Monday, October 16, 2017

He Was There

He didn’t go to work that day,
He saw it.
He went there.
The great explosions. Fear. Dismay.
He heard it.
He was there.
When embers started raining down,
Debris and bodies on the ground,
The pain, confusion all around,
He knew it.
He was there.

He wasn’t told the towers fell,
He breathed it.
He was there.
Engulfed by all the fires of hell,
He touched it.
He was there.
When first responders got in there,
And started beating back despair
True angels helping everywhere,
He felt it.
He was there.

David Handschuh, Pulitzer-nominated photojournalist, was among the few survivors of the horrific 9-11 attacks. This week, he and his wife, Staci, were visitors here in Edmonton, Alberta, to speak of his experiences.
It is a story that should never be forgotten, nor brushed aside.
This story--and his others--can be found on Instagram @flyingmanatee
Or follow him at

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin,
With gentle thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Now post our poems for you to see.

And when you’ve read what we have brought,
Did we help? Or did we not . . .

And next week in our neighbourhood,
We tackle 'sports'. It will be good!


  1. A beautiful tribute, Diane, to him and to all touched by this horrific tragedy.

  2. A sad day. Even over here we saw and felt. A lot of heroes were born that day.

    Joan (Devon)

  3. This is simply beautiful, on a very serious and sad topic. I'll check that link in a bit. Well done, Diane.

  4. NYC can feel crowded and hectic and cold, but so many people stepped up to help each other that day.

    May I recommend a wonderful book by a friend about the remarkable things that were done by NYC's maritime community?

    I'm actually in there - my part was small, but I'm still so glad I happened to end up somewhere where I was able to help in a tangible way. Made a terrible day easier to look back on.
    Dust to Deliverance by Jessica DuLong

  5. A beautiful tribute to a great tragedy for mankind.

  6. Those pictures still touch my heart - we live so far away and yet it was so real and such a heart breaking time for the world - we lost our innocence that day.

  7. Made a terrible day easier to look back on.
    Dust to Deliverance by Jessica DuLong

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