Wednesday, October 18, 2017

In the Buff

About a mile and a half from the Millicent, Alberta school was the swimming hole.
A wooden structure, called a ‘headgate’ had been built across the main irrigation canal to control and distribute water into ditches so farmers could water their crops. Passage of the water through the headgate was confined, causing increased swirling and that, in turn eroded a great hole.
Once discovered, this swimming hole became the favourite spot for an after-school dip by many of the young boys from the school.
There was only one problem.
They never brought suits.
As there were no girls around, the solution was easy.
Strip off naked and go skinny dipping.
It worked well.
A short, active time splashing about in the cool water. A brief period of drying off. Re-donning of one’s school clothes.
And the happily-refreshed boys were back on the road for home.
Then . . . that day.
Now remember where I mentioned that members of the opposite sex weren’t present?
Well, that was only most of the time.
On this afternoon, a group of adventurous girls happened along. They, too were on their way home from school. Spotting the boys splashing about in the water, they decided to . . . cause a little consternation.
They sat down on the canal bank.
And waited.
I probably don’t have to tell you that all splashing and playing ended abruptly.
For some time, the group of increasingly chilly boys tread water and stared at the girls, visions of having to stay in the canal until after dark running through their minds.
Then one of them, a little less patient than the rest, decided to do something a little more proactive.
He leapt naked from the stream and ran straight toward the girls.
They scattered like frightened birds, shrieking wildly.
In fact, they proved that they could easily outrun the boys. Given the proper incentive.
What do we learn from this?
1.  If one is going to play a prank, be prepared.
2.  Clothes-less doesn’t mean help-less.
3.  Buff beats bluff every time.


  1. Another funny story. Those were innocent times in many ways.

  2. From listening to the stories Mom told me as a kid, I have a good idea who rushed out at the girls. And to think that I thought it was cool to show that obscene puppet....

  3. Three excellent lessons! hee hee

  4. Swimming in the raw was always a treat. Colour me wistful today.

  5. I have never, ever been swimming naked. Beaches and swimming pools here are always far too crowded.

  6. Another great story....I have never done this...maybe its time i do....LOL..

  7. I thought it was cool to show that obscene puppet....

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