Wednesday, October 11, 2017


When you’re canoeing with your spouse,
‘Cause you must ‘get out of the house!’,
When falling in that cold, wet stream,
The honest thing to do is scream.

When movies reach a fever pitch,
With scary scenes that make you twitch,
And monsters to freeze your bloodstream,
The proper thing to do is scream.

Your lotto ticket, you have scratched,
And all your numbers are a match,
So coming true are all your dreams,
You’re right, the thing to do is scream.

When standing in the line to see,
Your heartthrob sing like a banshee,
Then he’s right there! His teeth agleam,
The coolest thing to do is scream.

Your day has gone from bad to worse,
You feel you’re underneath a curse,
The last straw: Toddler. Diaper cream.
The healthy thing to do is scream.

Now it’s October, ghosts abound,
And goblins, too, so you have found,
They’re on your street and on a theme,
They’re out to scare you. Yes, please scream.

Once a month, Karen and friends (ie. us) become poem-ists.
On a theme.
This month? Scream!
Do it. It's fun!

Visit the others and see what they have done . . .

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: You Scream
Dawn of Cognitive Script: A Bootiful Scream


  1. Yes, we scream. Sometimes to let off steam.
    Great job Diane.

  2. Who says you have to wait until October to scream? So much scream-worthy all year long. Loved this poem, Diane.

  3. I'd never actually thought about all the different kinds of screams! But you missed the "ice cream" scream (I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream) :)


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