Monday, October 23, 2017


The world likes baseball, I am sure,
And loves their teams, famed or obscure,
But what of those who don’t partake?
Well this should help thwart a mistake:

Baseball bat:
This is a wood or metal bar
That, like the ball, can fly afar.

Foul ball: 
For just a moment you don’t quit,
Because you think, I got a hit!

Babe Ruth: 
A player who was really great,
One (who they say) was overweight.

Right field: 
A quiet place where only you
Can sit and watch where flowers ‘grew’.

Right Field (also):
Until you hear a clang, Oh No!
And someone shouts, “Look out below!”

Fly ball: 
That moment when the sun (it’s said)
Drops a boulder on your head.

Has mostly ground balls, so you’ll thrive,
And thus, this ballgame, you’ll survive.

Line drive: 
That point where something whizzes through,
And you bid your shortstop days adieu.

How long it is before snack time,
Divided tidily by nine.

Pro Athletes:
Play games and practice vanity,
Speak their language. And profanity.

The world of baseball can befuddle,
And leave you in a murky puddle.
Now, aren’t you glad you stopped today,
So we could take your fears away?

Mondays do get knocked a lot,

With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin,
With gentle thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Now post our poems for you to see.

And when you’ve read what we have brought,
Did we help? Or did we not . . .

And next week in our neighbourhood,
We tackle 'feet'. It will be good!


  1. I love watching the baseball playoffs and the world series. Your poem today is delightful and timely for tomorrow's big game!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We'll try this again with a little proofreading before I hit publish lol.
      So cute......certainly clears up a lot of misconceptions.

  3. I think you may need to write a poem about each and every one of those baffling sports, Diane :)

    Feet? FEET??? Oh dear . . .

  4. Sorry Diane, that's like a foreign language to me. The nearest we have is netball, which is generally played by girls in the senior school.
    Despite that I enjoyed your poem.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. Not netball, it is rounders which is similar to baseball. My mistake.

      Joan (Devon)

  5. A foreign language to me. And a language for which I have no gift.

  6. Echoing EC here. I'm just not into sports of any kind.

  7. Baseball is pretty low key in Australia but I still knew most of the terms - but preferred your definition!

  8. I love a bit of poetry, whatever the day. As you'll know from reading my blog lol! I don't know the first thing about baseball (being a Brit) so thanks for enlightening me! :-)


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