Wednesday, December 13, 2017

An Ending?

“There was a time, dear Mom,” said he.
“When I no longer fit your knee.
And one day, when you picked me up.
You set me down, said, ‘That’s enough!’
You never picked me up again.”
His statement filled my heart with pain.
Cause he was right, that son of mine,
(Who, in his socks, stands six-foot nine.)
There was a time I set him down,
I groaned, and then, perhaps, I frowned.
Said, “Son you’re getting way too big,
And you don’t qual'fy as a ‘twig’.
Your poor old Momma just can’t lift,
For it will give my back short shrift.”
An era ended on that day,
The day I sent my son to play
Without his ‘pickmeup’ cuddle time,
That, for us both, was so sublime.
Instead he got a kiss and hug.
And on my heart, a little tug,
Then, I looked back into the past,
And thought of things that just don’t last,
How precious are your memories,
When kids grow too big for your knee.
But know, before you shed a tear,
For my son’s young and baby years,
That though we had an ‘ending’ there,
‘Twas nothing that I could not bear.
For as an era waves. Departs.
Another era’s set to start.
And then he gave us grandkids . . .

Karen, whom we all hold dear,
Issues a task 12 times a year,
A poem based upon a theme.
We beat our brains, we cry and scream,
But nothing can be done about,
Cause Karen has a lot of clout!
(The truth about the poems thereof?
We really do it out of love!)

And who has joined me here today?
Why, all my friends! Join us and play!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: From the End to the Beginning
Dawn of Cognitive Script: TheMeaning of the End
Jules of The Bergham Chronicles Name of Poem: La Fin
Lydia of Cluttered Genius Name of Poem: The End is Here
Jenn Sparkly Poetic Weirdo Name of Poem: Endings, The NewBeginnings


  1. I can relate. My youngest is 6 feet tall and was always wanting to be held as a child. Now he has his own to hold. Precious memories!

    1. How does this happen?!
      And sometimes you get to hold them too?

  2. There are no such things as 'endings', only new beginnings.

  3. This sure pulled on my heart strings today as I sit here waiting for the day my younger son comes home from college.
    And I just love you poem about us writing our poems!

  4. Ahh, how sweet! (What did you feed that boy, anyway??)

  5. It would be hard to see any end to a boy of that size.
    And Delores is right. New beginnings. And precious ones.

  6. Oh my! My daughter is no where near that tall, yet it made me think of the last time I picked her up, held her, rocked her to sleep and all the other things we do when they are little.

  7. Six feet nine inches? What on earth did you feed that boy?
    I remember baby 'cuddle me' times.


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