Monday, December 11, 2017

Family Favourites

Drawn by my sweet DIL. In about 30 seconds . . .
I cannot blame another soul, I did it on my own,
The po’try Monday theme, I mean. (My fate, I do bemoan.)
My ‘Happiest Family Memory’ shouldn’t be a task complex,
But how to choose a single one, now that, did me, perplex.

Was it Mom and Bobby Cow and me? I barely did survive!
Or climbing up the TV mast? I’m glad to be alive!
Or times spent eating Mama’s food, I was in Heaven then.
And when I travelled with my dad. I’d like to go again!

My brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and days spent on the ranch,
Too numerous to just sort through! It’s like an avalanche!
Sunk in mud up to my knees? There’s nothing I would change!

And here there is another group, my kids and their kids, too.
Now how am I supposed to choose? There really aren’t a few!
With special days and holidays and every day between,
And all of our activities, from crazy to serene.

You know what I am going to do? I won’t decide this now,
I’m sure you would not want to read a book now anyhow.
So, I’ll say this, I love these tales! And they, I will recount,
Though taken all in all my friends, to a lot, they do amount.

Past or present, future, too. You’ll find them all right here.
In city or in country and in places far or near.
Each one a little slice of life, each one a story, too,
My favourite family memories are each one I share with you!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin,
With gentle thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Now post our poems for you to see.

And when you’ve read what we have brought,
Did we help? Or did we not . . .

And next week, from my friends, and me, 
A Christmas (or holiday) Memory!

This is the BIG ONE!
And I need your help . . .
Daughter of Ishmael is up for the big award: Book of the year!
I need your vote!
It's simple and REALLY effective.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


  1. HEY....I chose just one lol. Never mind..I know what you mean...all my memories are special too.

  2. When it comes to your family memories, I love them too!

  3. How very sweet. It is hard to choose.Sometimes I love to hear the words"Do you remember", other times I think let's not rehash this again!

  4. Many of us have memories, you have Memories. And I'm so happy that you share them! What a family! What a poem! And, yes, I already voted for your book - good luck!!!!

  5. What? I thought I left a comment earlier . . . I'm getting too quick to hit the "close tab" before actually hitting "publish" :)

    Anyway. I love that you put so many of your happy memories in one poem and you even linked them to the posts! Smart move! Nice job.

  6. Love that little sketch - it captures how I imagine you as perfectly - and another great Diane poem (you are amazing!)

  7. You have so many lovely memories of Christmas’ past. May you make some more in this and the coming years. Have a Merry, Merry Christmas, Diane.

  8. Very nice post.really I apperciate your blog.Thanks for sharing.keep sharing more blogs.



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