Friday, December 1, 2017

Starting It Right

The Season has begun . . .

A few years ago, my Husby, a slightly Santa-esque man, was asked to play Santa Claus at a local party.
He discovered that he loved it.
The rest of us discovered that he was very good at it.
A new career was born.
He offered to pay for the materials for a, to put it into his words, nice suit.
I complied.
The next Christmas, he asked if I would be willing to make myself a matching 'Mrs. Santa' outfit.
After a bit of head-scratching and a trip to the fabric store, I again did as he requested.
Mrs. Santa appeared.
And the two of us have had fun with it ever since.
Each year, our portrayal of the famous couple gets a little more . . . detailed.
Three years ago, he began to grow out his hair. 
In August. (Now he sports his 'Santa' beard year round!)
Then we made a trip to the hairdresser to get him, and myself, dyed white.
Oh, the sacrifices he makes!
The breathing apparatus and nose plugs were his idea!
Definitely lighter . . .

But the rewards are incalculable.

Wish you were here!


  1. You two are perfect as mr and mrs S. know what would be lovely....a video of the two of you in action.

  2. Wish I were there too. You two make the perfect Mr. and Mrs. Claus. And I love that you get as much as you give. Perfect holiday balance.

    1. We simply love doing it. The hours get long sometimes, but the work is sooo worth it!

  3. You two look adorable! Wish I didn't live in CT or I'd come visit.

  4. You two are very authentic looking . . . and I remember from last year's posts that you are authentic behaving, too. It's important for kids to believe in the goodness of Santa and the Mrs., and sometimes - as you've written elsewhere - that goodness can save a child from despair. Jingle on, Diane and Husby.

    1. I absolutely agree, Jenny! They have to have that firm footing of 'goodness' somewhere!

  5. You both look fabulous. Just think, as time goes by, you won't have to bother with the white dye. I wonder how many of those little ones brag about living with Santa?

    1. We use less every year! They tell their friends and their friends just gape in disbelief. :O


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