Wednesday, February 28, 2018

For Those Who Doze

I think I’m in trouble.
Let’s face it, when one is seated, warm, and comfortable, it’s inevitable.
Okay, I admit, it didn’t used to be. But as I grow older, definitely.
I’m talking about those of us who habitually doze off.
In public places.
Movies. Concerts. Classes. Meetings.
It is this last that most concerns me.
And the date, February 28, has something to do with it.
Let me explain . . .
On February 28, 1646, one Roger Scott, of Lynn, Massachusetts was rudely awakened from a deep and restful slumber.
By the business end of a tithingman’s long, knobbed staff.
Being energetically applied to Goodman Scott’s head.
I don’t know about you, but being roused by being rapped in the head by a heavy wooden cane wouldn’t bring out the best in me.
Heck, I used to get mad when my dad called to me gently from my bedroom doorway.
It didn’t in Roger, either.
Bring out the best, I mean.
Obviously forgetting he wasn’t in his own warm bed, and just a trifle annoyed at being knocked awake (so to speak), he woke up flailing.
Mistake number one: Dozing (gasp) in a publick place.
And number two: Protesting the meted-out punishment.
This second mistake only caused further punishment.
Roger, for his actions was sentenced to a public(k) whipping.
And the dark designation of: “A common sleeper at the publick exercise.”
(I wonder if they have T-shirts?)


  1. Things were harsh in those days. I wonder if he was snoring. But, st least, no cell phone cameras.

  2. Diane, my hubby is a dozer, usually at the movie theater. He's actually started snoring during the movie. EMBARRASSING...especially during the quiet breaks of the movie where all seat neighbors can hear. So, the times we do attempt to go to the movies, he's warned that he will feel a sharp elbow in his ribs if/when he dozes off. I think an elbow is better than the alternative whipping. That's a bit extreme. But, don't think if in the moment again, I won't give this some

    1. Yeah. I keep wondering where his wife was? My Husby has felt the wicked elbow-in-the-ribs many times! :)

  3. A 'common sleeper'...guilty as charged. And it started long before my senior years. I used to make sure I sat in the back at meetings and hoped no one noticed the drooling and snoring.

  4. I'm a dozer as soon as the car starts rolling. Also, the movies, performances...while my hubby is talking!

    1. Hahaha! I tell Husby it's just cause his voice is soooo soothing . . .

  5. A "common" sleeper! Well, I'll have them know there's an art to sleeping in public - there's nothing common about it!

    Amazing how the world has changed, isn't it? And, perhaps, how it hasn't!

  6. P.S. You have outdone yourself with that label :)

    1. Thank you! Amazing how many good words rhyme with DOZE! :)

  7. I love your post, it gave me a good chuckle which I needed today.

  8. My husband confesses to napping in church on a fairly regular basis - he's an early riser and by the time the sermon starts around 10.30am, the monotonous tones tend to send him off to dreamland - lucky they don't collect the offering with a knobbed stick in the other hand! Lovely to have you join us at #MLSTL and I've shared this on my SM.

    1. Same with mine. It's just so . . . comfortable . . . and safe. (Not like in the past, obviously!)
      And thank you so much for sharing!

  9. Oh my goodness I'm glad dozing doesn't bring that kind of punishment these days! Thanks so much for sharing at Midlife Share the Love Party. #MLSTL

  10. I don't go many places, but to get there I have to travel on a bus or two and that's where I tend to doze off. Mostly I wake in time to get off at the right stop, but a few times I've had to walk back to where I should have got off. No big deal, I need the exercise.


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