Saturday, February 17, 2018

More of the Same

And then it was off to the Island of Antigua for three weeks of sun, sea, sand-in-the-suit . . .
And writing.
What a glorious time! Writing all morning. (A new novel done!)
Playing on the beach all afternoon.
And moonlight evenings with my sweetie.
I highly recommend it!
Writing. What a chore! ;)

Not something you'd see in Canada!


Cathedral Restoration in St. Johns, Antigua


Blue Moon Over Antigua.
And that brings us to home.
So happy we went.
So happy to be back!
I've missed you!


  1. We missed you too...what a cute wee froggy in your sink.

  2. Looks like heaven! So glad it was a productive vacation!

  3. What beauty . . . and - writing time, yay! What did Husby do while you were writing every day, build catapults on the beach?? :)

  4. That's the first blue moon I've ever seen. The buildings are lovely. Nothing worse that sand-in-the-suit, unless it's sand in your sandwich.

  5. I am glad you are back. I have missed your writing.


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