Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Dicey Situation

A group of dice. Also know as a 'Gamble' of Dice.

Our family was playing a dice game.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this concept, it is a game.
Played with dice.
Okay. Now that we’re all on the same page . . .
It seemed like a good Sunday afternoon activity. Cold outside. Family inside. Warm. Fed.
Yep. Time for a dice game.
I wasn’t doing well.
That’s the thing about dice. They’re fickle. There’s really no planning.
Okay, I know it’s possible for experienced dice-players to cheat.
But in our family something is missing from that scenario. Two somethings, actually.
First, experience. (No explanation needed.)
And second, the desire to win.
We don’t keep score.
We just play.
No one gets mad. No thrown knives or nasty looks.
So, back to what I was saying . . .
Dice game.
Doing poorly.
Now my SIL was seated next to me. And he was doing well.
A little too well.
I accused him of using up all the dice’s luck before he handed said dice on to me.
Not my finest hour, but I still think he was draining them somehow.
It was then we came up with a creative and possibly effective scenario for those reluctant dice.
My daughter suggested buying some cheap dice. Then, in plain sight of our actual dice, smashing one of the cheap ones with a hammer.
Brilliant, you say?
I agree.
The actual dice would be so horrified at the possibility of being next, they would flood me with their good luck.
My other daughter also offered this. “If that doesn’t work, we take some little dice, hold them up and say, ‘The kids are next!’”
You might want to think twice about playing games with our family.
Just FYI.


  1. Yikes a fun wholesome family day sure can take a turn around your house!

  2. Too funny. I love to keep things civil no score but threats are acceptable, works for me!

  3. Just think if your family was competitive. That is one scary thought.

  4. Dice-icide and dice-napping - how could you sleep at night?!!!

    Creative, indeed :D

    1. Jenny, I just love how your mind works. Wanna get together for a game of dice?

  5. Smiling. And loving jenny_o's comment.
    Love your lack of competition too. Years back we started playing backgammon. The loser did family chores. We were evenly matched at first. And then himself started to win. ALL the time.
    Making the bed (a backgammon forfeit) I discovered the reason. Under his side of the mattress was a 'how to win at Backgammon' book. I said nothing, removed it and read it. And the stakes were even again.

  6. We did the no score thing with scrabble, three seta and the boards along the length of the table, we played from one end to the other, across all the boards. It was fun and the little ones learned new words and how to spell them.
    I don't think I've seen any dice for decades.


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