Friday, March 23, 2018

The Toy Box

Last night was opening night.
It's the end of March and for those of you who know me, that means our annual Children's Theatre musical production.
This year?
The Toy Box. Music and lyrics by Yours Truly.
Directed by my good friend and first time director, Jodi Cuevas. (Who did an awesome job, I have to tell you!)
And acted by the most amazing cast of children with a sprinkling of equally amazing adults. (Because who else is going to keep those littles in line on stage?!)
The story revolves around four different groups of toys in The Toy Box, a toy store. Three of the groups, the soldiers, the Barbies and the clowns are pretty much centered on themselves. The fourth group, the Stuffies just want to hug everyone.
And giggle.
When one of the Stuffies is badly mauled by an opossum that has gotten into the store, the rest of the toys realize they have to work together as a family to convince the creature to move out.
How they do it is both simple . . . and ingenious.
Such a fun, fun production.
And so grateful I get to do this!
Pictures by Kristi Pfeiffer Photography
Me. Eyelining. This is the before.
The after is me on a stool in a corner. Sans eyeliner pencil and actor.
Because the others realized I'm just a danger with any sort of makeup...

One of the uber-cute clowns.

A Stuffie. Not quite in costume...

Barbies. Some doing what they do.
Others getting ready to help little shredded stuffies.
Please, powers-that-be, let this go on forever!


  1. Diane your creativity and talent is amazing! The show sounds like it is adorable and funny and sweet.

    1. Sweet was what I was going for, Haralee. It's the funniest thinge to see words you've written and songs you've composed being spoken and sung. Almost an out-of-body experience!

  2. How I would love to see that! Such a great storyline and I bet it's VERY funny and entertaining. Best of luck! Sounds like such fun :)

    1. So much fun, Jenny! Zip across Canada for the next one!

  3. I love that you have yet another outlet for your creative talents. Wish I were close enough to attend!

    1. I SO wish you could be here, Karen! It's next March again. Plan a trip to Canada. I have a room for you!

  4. What a fun project. Funny, I've been looking into community theater myself lately. You've inspired me to keep going.

    1. Do it, Laurie! It is so rewarding on so many levels!

  5. Replies
    1. It was such fun, Marcia! Plan on the next one. Visiting Canada in the frozen wastes of March will be an adventure! ;)

  6. It sounds amazing. Is there any end to your talent? And industry?

    1. It's just so fun, EC! Watching those little blossoms bloom. And knowing I've had a hand in it!

  7. This weekend, our high school is doing its annual play. Would you believe I've never gone to one of their productions? And that I haven't been to a play in many, many years? I can't quite explain why. Just thinking of how much effort and time you've put into something like this. My late friend used to put hours into high school play productions and gave me an idea of the amount of work these productions take. I applaud you!

    1. I do hope you go. They're SO entertaining! And these kids need the encouragement!

  8. it sounds like a really great play! Wish I could have seen it.

  9. So much fun AND it keeps you off the street and out of trouble lol.

  10. Looks and sounds so much fun, and so rewarding.

    All the best Jan


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