Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Really Wild

We had the grandkids over,
Our intrepid little band,
A treasure hunt, some laser tag.
We’d lots of fun things planned.

I said, “The sky’s the limit!”
As they started Seek and Hide,
Cause for this day, this gramma
Walked on her wild side!

We scrambled through the brush,
While hunting one and all,
Then scrambled through again,
Looking for our only ball.

We piled in the car,
To play some laser tag,
We ‘weaseled’ through the hurdles
And Gramma waved the flag.

We stopped and ordered pizza,
It just seemed apropos,
Then piled in the car again,
And headed for a show.

Now when the movie finished,
'Twas such a lot of fun,
We got back in the car again,
Cause none of us were done.

We headed back t’wards home,
We weren’t quite finished yet.
We had donuts yet to make,
And records yet to set.

And then the kids were gone,
Their parents took them back,
The house was bare and quiet,
As outside, the skies went black.

This walking on the wild side,
Though much to be desired,
And fun the while it lasted,
Makes Gramma really tired!

Each month we have a topic,
Once Karen's led the way.
So tell me, now you've finished,
How did we do today?

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Wild Side
Dawn of Cognitive Script: Walking Wild
Lydia from Cluttered Genius: Wild Child
Jenn from Sparkly Poetic Weirdo: Wildly Cautious
Sarah of My Brand of Crazy: The Wild Ride


  1. Perhaps each day of walking on the wild side with young ones should be followed by a nap day. Made me laugh as always, Diane.

  2. I think you did great! I know my mom is amazing about being the wild gramma sometimes. :) Someday, I hope to do the same.

    1. You have a good role model and that's half way there!

  3. Gramma definitely deserved to rest after all those wild adventures! <3

  4. That is a LOT of wild side! Hope you had time to rest afterwards! The picture is priceless and perfect with your wonderful poem :)

    1. I couldn't even finish writing in my journal, as my heartless daughter who took that picture can attest. Sigh.

  5. An engaging narration through a well framed poem.

  6. Its amazing how tiring fun can be! Sounds like you gave your grandchildren a wonderful time. They'll always remember it.

  7. Fun when they come, a relief when they go. Yup. Tiring.

  8. I suspect 'xausted' was closer to the mark than tired.

  9. If you did all that in one day no wonder you're tired. Sounds like lots of fun.


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