Thursday, April 5, 2018

Toddler see. Toddler do.

Who says the younger generation isn’t paying attention . . .?
My good friend, Jen, was having one of her ‘normal’ days.
Kids in school.
Kids at home.
She came upstairs from the laundry room.
To hear someone in the front room.
Now you have to know that Toddler Girl wasn’t yet making real words.
And the baby was rosily asleep in his crib.
Who could possibly be talking?
She dashed around the corner of the front room and skidded to a stop.
Toddler Girl had a baby doll wrapped up and tucked into the crook of one arm.
In her free hand, she held a toy telephone.
She was walking back and forth across the room bouncing her doll up and down in the approved ‘pacifying-the-baby’ manoeuver.
But it was what she was doing with the phone that really caught Jen’s attention.
She held it to her ear, babbled animatedly for a few seconds (with no recognizable words) and threw her head back and laughed out loud.
Then, as Jen watched, she repeated the whole exercise. Walk about jiggling the baby. Talk animatedly. Laugh uproariously.
Hmmm . . . I wonder where she picked that up?
They are watching.
And taking note.
I guess talking enthusiastically and laughing while taking care of the baby is a good thing for them to see.
And emulate.
Unlike my kids who caught me eating peanut butter out of the jar.
With a spoon.
And forever after . . .
Well. Enough said.


  1. They are watching...i even catch my daughter doing things with her kids, my grands the she said she would never do...things that I did to my kids as they were growing up...

    1. Heehee! t's so fun when that happens. Of course it's usually something I was certain I'd never say that my mom said. Then I hear my kids saying it and I realize that, not only did I pick it up, but so did they. From me. Sigh.

  2. They sure are watching, and like you said, sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes it's less than good . . . but hey, what's wrong with eating pb by the spoonful?? :)

  3. They are definitely watching, listening . . . and learning! And yeah, what's wrong with PB by the spoonful? :)

  4. I love this. I'm afraid to think how my kids emulated me. Of course, they were boys, so that's harder to judge. Maybe being (occasionally) smart-ass?

    1. Heehee! The Smart-Asses of the world get out attention!

  5. Peanut butter by the spoonful is MUCH better than one of my brother's tricks. He went the finger dip route and when challenged said it saved on washing up. Now that is a habit which shouldn't be spread.

  6. No spoon...spread the peanut butter on toast, drizzle with honey, sprinkle with chocolate chipits and maybe even some dessicated coconut....cram in mouth while making school lunches, overseeing youngster dressing for school, dressing self to take youngster to school and answering phone call from husband who forgot his lunch. need the energy.

  7. The peanut butter out of the jar made me smile - that's my husband with the Nutella!

  8. My sister used to eat peanut butter with a spoon, no one knows where she learned it. All of us learned, from Dad, to lick our plates completely clean and hand them to Mum declaring they now didn't need washing. None of us does that anymore though.

    1. I used to to do that with my ice cream bowl. Get every drop. And then you could put it right away! Yeah, my mom didn't think so either...


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