Saturday, June 2, 2018

A Dad's Joke

Inconsequential day with friends,
A drive along the thoroughfare,
The kind of day you hope n’er ends,
To see the sights and take the air.

Three friends were seated in the car,
Minister, Priest, and Rabbi, too.
Talk of life, both near and far,
And things they’d done or’d like to do.

Sensationalism was a theme,
As the dashboard clicked the miles away,
Discussed atomic problems, schemes,
 The mayhem common to the day.

Then talk turned with sincerity,
(Though nondenominational!)
How to divide with parity
Donations congregational.

Then one proposed a circle made,
Donations thrown aboard,
The coins, which from the circle strayed,
Would be given to the Lord.

The second shook his hoary head,
And gravely said,” Not so!”
The coins inside the circle spread,
He’d to the Lord bestow.

The third man deeply frowned, “Instead,”
“Here’s what I’d do, my peeps!”
“I’d throw the money high o’erhead,
And what the good Lord wants, He keeps!”


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