Monday, June 11, 2018

Eternal Sunshine

Twin brothers. One a pessimist, his life’s outlook sour,
And one an optimist. It’s true! Was gladder by the hour.

A fam’ly blessed with healthy sons, one Jonny, one named Joe,
They grew together in the light that fam’ly love can show.
But Jonny, eldest of the twins, a confirmed cynic, he,
Saw ‘life’ in only adverse terms, the worst that they could be.

Now Joe was different. Joe could see the best that life could give,
A ‘glass-half-full’ old chap was he, and happy just to live.
Before I go much further, tell me, which would you prefer?
The optimist or the pessimist? (I’ll probably concur!)

Now on their birthday (ten years hence), their father had prepared
A test for his beloved boys. Their feedback, he’d compare.
For Jon, he wrapped up carefully the best toys he could find,
For Joe, a box of smelly dung with golden cords entwined.

Now when they opened up their gifts, poor Jonny sat and sighed,
“They’ll all be broken in a week!” he, to his fam’ly, cried.
But Joe, he looked inside his box, then started for the door,
His father started after him. “Joe, where’re you headed for?”

Joe laughed as he donned hat and coat and headed for the yard,
“You have to know, dear Dad,” he said. “It really isn’t hard.”
“When I unwrapped that box of ‘poo’, I knew some mastermind
Had left my gift outside and soon, a pony, I will find!”

Which would you choose, the pessimist? The one who’s always sad?
Or would you choose the optimist? Who’s never-ending glad?
Now this is just a silly story, meant to entertain,
And now you’ve had your giggle, but the question still remains . . .

Mondays to get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thought--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week from our happy homes,
We'll celebrate the Garden Gnome!


  1. I loved it and yes, it helped!

  2. Optimist Joe I pick. I was wondering if the box of poop was in bad taste but I learned the optimist's lesson, there must be a source of the poo that is truly the great present! Love it.

  3. Love the label! Yeah . . . "manure-ade" doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? . . .

    Love the poem, too. The funny thing is, I know an eternal optimist and I wouldn't want to live with her . . .

  4. Well, we all prefer to have optimists in our lives. Even if, in our heart of hearts we have to admit we have a bit of Jonny us ourselves.

  5. Where there's poo there has to be a pony...I love it.

  6. I'll take Joe anytime, although I can have Jon creep in from time to time. Still, hopefully I'm mostly Joe! So sweet.

  7. I am with jenny_o. I like my Joe with a healthy dash of Jon.

  8. I was going to say I'd choose the optimist, but realised a life of never ending cheer and "she'll be right mate" could be very wearing on ones psyche. So I'll agree with jenny_o and EC, a mix would be far better.

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