Monday, June 25, 2018

A Very Tall Tale

It's Poetry Monday again!
Today we're discussing Vacation Days.
My joy of vacation days? The freedom to continue telling silly stories . . .

The good Lord read a new report that made him feel quite grim,
Now I have to tell you this report did really not please Him,
It said, of his retirees, only 5 percent were good,
While 95 percent were doing other than they should!

The good Lord was admissibly dismayed by all He read,
And sent another angel to endorse what had been said.
Sadly, when the man returned, he’d confirmation, true.
95 percent were doing things they shouldn’t do.

The good Lord sent an email to the 5 percent who tried,
To tell them they were doing well and he was satisfied.
But now a question I must ask, you really can’t ignore…
I haven’t got my email yet. Have you all gotten yours?

Mondays to get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thought--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week as we come and go,
We'll talk of people that we know!


  1. No, I didn't get my email. It must have gone to spam, where I accidentally deleted it. That's it. Spam. That's where it went.

  2. I am waiting. Maybe it is a network issue? Certainly it is lost in the mail!!

  3. Have a good poetry writing day, Diane.

  4. Haven't gotten mine yet either...must be a problem with the Internet.

  5. Er, no, actually no email here either. Wait, let me check again. Nope. Not yet :)

    "People we know" sounds like fertile ground for a good poem! Thanks, Diane.

  6. I must contact my server about that missing email.

  7. I've been actively trashing a bunch of emails to my SPAM folder. Maybe it got directed there and I missed it! (optimistic much??) heheheh.......


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