Wednesday, June 13, 2018


The thought of Barefoot Days suggests
A time of peace, with sunlight blessed.
Shoeless feet along a trail,
Or treading beach to scan for whales.
Squishing mud between one’s toes,
With no thought giv’n to fears or woes.
What a carefree life! I praise
All simple, sunlit Barefoot Days.

But now I must admit that I,
Find this old world one ‘scary guy’,
From rising, till I find my bed,
The news is filled with fear and dread.
No one to trust and families torn,
And many still to hatred sworn.
I need as I traverse the haze,
A few more of those ‘Barefoot Days’.

Karen of Baking in a Tornado issues the Monthly Poetry challenge and we, her friends/obedient followers, drag our sorry selves jump to the task.
The result is as you see. Several poems on a theme, but with vastly differing results.
It's totally fun!
See what the others have created:
Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Barefoot Days
Jules of The Bergham Chronicles: Barefoot with You
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: Barefoot Summer
Dawn of Cognitive Script: My Barefoot Days


  1. I agree, in so many ways we need to go back to the basics, and barefoot is the perfect way to take that first step!

  2. yes I long for the barefoot carefree days of my youth

  3. And children's feet look so much more appealing that adult ones.

  4. Echoing EC, so true.
    I remember my barefoot days, dodging bull ants, watching out for three cornered jacks with their vicious thorns, until we reached the beach which was only about five minutes down the road.

  5. We do need simpler days. I wonder if we will ever get there, and at what cost ...


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