Thursday, July 5, 2018


Okay, it was cute to start with . . .

Now you have a Love that is loyal and true,

And perfect in every way.
But knowing all that, now I put it to you,
What in the world would you say . . .?

From the time that we met as she walked down the street,
Just a’singing her favourite song,
Every moment together was perfect and sweet,
Put it mildly, we two got along.

Daily we’d treasure our moments together
And the years have gone past in a blur,
But lately, I’ve found that there’s one sort of weather,
I’m finding it hard to endure.

Now I’m not nasty or mean and I try to be kind,
I’ve given her arms that are strong.
It’s been fifty-five years, I’m mos’ deaf and near blind,
And I’m needing a different song!

I admit that I liked it when our Love was first new,
But more and more often, I find,
That ‘Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do’,
Is driving me out of my mind!
And to make the ear worm complete: Manfred Mann.


  1. I love that tune so thank you for the earworm :) Isn't YouTube great for finding those old songs? And I love how quite often the bands look like they can't quite believe their good luck to be where they are. Like this one - the lead singer looks so happy!

  2. Yes, thank you for the ear worm. I may just pass it on via a Music Monday post.

  3. I haven't got the earworm. Miracle of miracles, and hope to continue to avoid it.

  4. Ain't love grand - all that doo wha dittying and love still shines through xx

  5. Well now at least I have a different earworm.

  6. I loved Manfred Mann especially Paul Jones, the singer. My husband comes from the same city, Portsmouth and went to school with one of the band members. An enjoyable treat to be going back in time this morning, thank you.


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