Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Just Kiss Him!

When you meet a fella, new, and that guy seems the best to you—
In your hunt,
You plan your kiss ‘tween you and he, considered by society—

Imagining where it will be, in thickest grove, or lone prairie—
When first your dewy lips will lock, and your frame tremble with the shock—
Heart’s blazing.

But though you plan beyond all doubt, sometimes it simply won’t work out—
It happens.
Just when you expect it least, you stumble onto your ‘love feast’—
Caught nappin’.

And thus we come to my own tale, of kisses planned and what prevailed—
I’ll tell you.
That what you plan won’t always be, sometimes it’s different, you’ll agree—
A boo-boo.

Our first kiss would be someplace nice, in fragrant fields or paradise—
‘Twas my plan.
Instead it was in feedlot there, with shoes in poop and bugs in hair—
Kissed my man.

The moonlight wasn’t o’er us shed, we’d mercury-vapour light instead—
It caught us.
I looked into his hazel eyes, it probably is no surprise,
They got us.

But still he stayed and our love grew, we’ve grown from us to thirty-two—
So listen . . .
And though a plan is what you’ve got, please know it really matters not—
Just kiss him!

 P.S. Husby's birthday is July 11th. Coincidence? I think not!

Each month we have a topic new, from Karen to us, then to you,
Employ it!
And now go read what others wrote, each I'll happily promote,
Enjoy it!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Just One Kiss
Dawn of Cognitive Script: Finding Her Prince
Kim of That Writer Junkie Writes: 슬픈 사랑 or This Sad Love.


  1. Well done, I love this style and enjoyed your poem. Happy Birthday to your husband.

  2. I think your scenario holds true more often than the planned ones.
    Happy Birthday to your Husby!

  3. Sounds romantic to me! Its the feelings that count. Doesn't matter if your feet are in poop. Happy birthday to your husband!

  4. A very happy birthday to your husband.

  5. I love your poem, your message, and your conclusion! Happy Birthday to your Husby, and many more :)

  6. Happy birthday to your husband. He must have known he was the right man for you after that first kiss. In a way, yes, it was romantic!

  7. It's a good thing you did. Happy birthday to him.

  8. Awwww! Happy belated birthday. Lovely poem!

  9. So true! My first kiss was in a parking lot. Probably not most romantic, but it was the BEST. EVER.


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