Monday, July 16, 2018

Music to Remember

Early mornings on a ranch
all started like an avalanche,
A tottering pile of chores to do
and food to cook and life renew.
All those days began with Dad,
all freshly cleaned, in robe of plaid,
Standing in your bedroom door,
to tell you sleeping time was o’er…
The sun was rising, up you’d get,
the time had come to toil and sweat,
But Sundays always started slow,
no need to really jump. And go,
One could lay in bed and dream,
               you were in Heaven, it would seem,
Soft music flowed around you there,
               starting low, just like a prayer,
Then rising, swirling, every note,
               by horns and strings would love emote,
One knew that Dad had placed a stack
               of music on the player’s rack,
Cause that’s how Sundays started out,
               With soft notes swirling all about.
O’er forty years have slipped on by,
               all in the blinking of an eye,
But still my childhood lingers on,
               though many who were there are gone,
Cause when I hear those flowing strains,              
               ‘tis Sunday morning, once again.

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, in our neighbourhood,
We'll talk of toys and childhood!


  1. That brought tears to my eyes Diane. Relaxing time at home when I was a kid would start with Dad playing the harmonica.

  2. Lovely! I was right there with you! My Mother always played classical music to do housework.

  3. What a lovely image set out by your poem this week, Diane. Music is one of the big memory makers for sure.

    "Toys and childhood" next week - I'll do my best! Thank you for another interesting topic.

  4. That is beautiful. Must be a music liver’s thing-my late father in law would play his keyboard every Sunday morning.

  5. We had classical music for a long time while cleaning--and the it was THE BEATLES.

  6. I loved Music to Remember! It reminded me of my childhood too.
    :) gwingal


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