Monday, July 2, 2018

The Tale of Olaf and Lena

I love 'people' tales.
One of Daddy's favourite silly stories!

While he perused the shops that day, young Olaf met a girl,
She stopped him right there in his tracks and gave his heart a whirl,
A little dazed, he bought her baking right there on the spot,
And soon he found her cookies were the best he’d ever got.

A girl with looks and figure and as fine a cook could be?
It didn’t take him long to think, “Yes, she’s the one for me!”
Right there, our Olaf took a knee; asked Lena for her hand,
‘Midst pretty blushes, she agreed. Yes, with him, she would stand.

And so for nearly sev’nty years, they two lived, man and wife,
Blessed in every way, they had a blissful, happy life.
Our Olaf went to work each day, then came home to discover,
That Lena had been baking and make cookies for her Love-er.

Then old age caught them by surprise and illness came to stay,
Our Olaf soon succumbed and he grew weaker by the day,
And by his bed, our Lena stayed and nursed him patiently,
Though old, their sweet relationship was strong as it could be.

One day, our Olaf sniffed the air and smiled a tired smile,
‘Twas Lena’s cookies he could smell; he’d know them from a mile!
Summoning the last vestiges of his ebbing strength,
He rolled onto the floor, then crawled the total house’s length.

Then finally, the kitchen reached and saw the cookies there,
For a time, all he could do was sigh and simply stare.
For Lena had outdone herself—the cookies piled high,
From Olaf’s point of view, they seemed like they could reach the sky.

He slowly raised up from the floor and with a trembling hand,
Reached out for the treat. The sight was more than he could stand.
Well, Lena saw him as he took a snack phenomenal,
“Olaf, don’t take those!” she said. “They’re for the funeral!”

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thought--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week sure will be a treat,
We'll talk of food. It will be sweet!


  1. Hah! Poor Olaf :) Another outstandingly-rhymed-and-rhythmed poem, Diane!

    Food! I can write about food! Now if only I can write about it without wanting to eat more of it!!


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