Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cow Wisdom

My Dad always told me that when I wanted to know what the weather was intending, to look and see what the cows were doing.
True story.
Well, it turns out that cows can tell you much more than that. If you listen . . .
Chore time.
When so many things can be revealed . . .
Eldest son, Mark was doing the milking in our small milking barn. Our two placid little Jersey cows, Kitty and Bunny (real names) were happy to cooperate.
Kitty was doing the honours.
Bunny was waiting in the wings.
All was going according to custom.
Our boarder (hereinafter known as Our Boarder) wandered in for a chat, lit cigarette in hand.
Now you have to know that cows are intensely curious. If anything unusual wanders into their sphere, they have to give it a sniff. Then, if circumstances (and inclination) allow, a taste.
Our Boarder was standing in the alleyway of the barn. Where Bunny was waiting for her turn in the milking parlour.
Hmmm . . . unusual.
Bunny wandered over.
And gave the lit cigarette a sniff.
You have to know that cows never really do anything in a hurry.
Picture it. Small, light-brown-with-black-points cow wanders slowly over to the intruder, and, with equal speed, reaches out her head to sniff the strange object in the woman’s hand. Then, without speeding up an iota, turns her head away.
And wheeze-coughs.
No tasting followed. She simply moved slowly and deliberately to the far side of the alleyway.
And stayed there.
It was pretty clear to the rest of us.
Yeah. Whatever that woman has in her hand . . . Avoid it.
Dad was right. You can learn a  lot of things by watching the cows.


  1. Personally, I have the same reaction!

  2. I was ready for her to try and eat it! But Bunny turned out to be much more sensible. Good girl.

  3. It is true of rather a lot of other animals. MUCH brighter than us.

    1. A little scary, isn't it? I wonder if we could get any of them to run for public office . . .

  4. I love this, Diane. And it reminds me that I dreamt about my cat returning to my home last night. My cat has been dead for years. Sign. Dreams can pull out very deeply buried memories.

  5. Growing up on the farm with cows like Lightfoot, Belle, and Ladybird, I can see your memory in my memory’s eye.


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