Friday, August 24, 2018

Happy Rainy Days

Not quite. But almost . . .
My Husby's father was a wonderful man.
Devoted to his numerous offspring and grand-offspring.
Who, in turn, loved him and anxiously awaited any opportunity to go for a visit.
I must admit here that seeing and visiting with their Grampa wasn't their only reason for wanting to spend time at his house.
Their motives were a bit more . . . self-serving.
Because Grampa had treats.
Really yummy treats.
He had learned over the years to put a little something away for, as he called it, a 'rainy day'.
And 'rainy days' were much sought after and appreciated.
Especially by the younger set.
Inevitably, when visiting Grampa's house, after the initial excitement of greeting and getting everyone inside and settled, Grampa would say, “Well, I think I'll just go and see if I have anything for a 'rainy day'.
Which meant that he did.
Yummy-ness was forthcoming.
Moving ahead several years . . .
My Husby learned many things from his father.
One of which was, to the joy and delight of his children and grandchildren, the stashing away of 'rainy days'.
He does this religiously.
And, as a result, generally grows more than it diminishes.
His present stash consists of two huge cardboard boxes and several bags, taking up the entire space under his desk.
Several fancy wooden chests of 'treasure'.
And a shelf full of boxed chocolates.
Do you fancy a treat?
You're invited.
Rainy Days for everyone.
And I do mean everyone.


  1. LOL, do you ship? 'Cause you're kinda far away, I'd be afraid that by the time I got there the treats would all be gone.

    1. Hahaha! No worries there, Karen! I really don't think I'll need to, but if all else fails, I'll save you some! ;)

  2. Got chocolate? I think every day should be a rainy day from now on!

  3. I was going to suggest that you help him out by eating a few yourself but....I can see from the comment/reply above that you've probably already done all you can lol.

    1. It's a tough job. But someone's . . . you understand.

  4. OMG. I would've been in heaven as a child. Your FIL was a very wise man.

    1. I agree, Laurie. There's much wisdom in all that sugar! ;)

  5. So Rainy days and Mondays aren't a depressant over there...

  6. I like rainy days and rainy day treats. I'll be down in a couple of hours!

  7. I have my own "rainy day" stash which never seems to last very long. If anyone were to visit here, the jar would most likely be empty :(

    1. That would be me as well. I tried keeping a stash in my desk at work. Gone in a day!

  8. I can't keep a stash either, it keeps calling to me. Loudly. I admire your Husby's and his father's restraint!


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