Monday, August 20, 2018

My Friends

“How much is it worth?” he asked,
“This friendship that you hold?
Can you count its price in dollars?
In rubles, yen or gold?”

“Let’s face it! You’ve not even met!
You’re strangers. Yes, it’s true,
How can you say these friendships are
Worth anything to you?”

I thought of years of good or bad,
Of stories near and dear,
Those times of sore discouragements,
When close, are aches and tears.

Then others, where the laughter
Dashes out across the miles,
Alive with love, encouragement,
And bringing naught but smiles.

We’ve shared it all, my friends and me,
My girls I’ve ‘never met’.
Though there’s miles and miles between us,
We’re as close as we can get! 

So no, they’re not of blood or bone,
And we haven’t met o’er tea,
But my ‘distant’ connections are
My most precious now, to me!

To Delores, Jenny, River, EC, Karen and all you others who have followed so faithfully over the years, a huge thank you. 
I love you all!
We've been together eight years now. Here’s to many more, my friends . . .

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, it will be so sublime
We'll talk of how we spend Free Time!


  1. 8 more!! You know I always look forward to your Monday poetry, just starts my day off right, thank-you!!

  2. I'm really surprised, sometimes, how much my internet friendships mean to me. And, how much it helps to stay engaged on the internet even with people I see fairly frequently.

    Thanks for expressing that in verse -- it helped me appreciate my life more today!

  3. You've brought tears to my eyes, Diane. I feel the same about you and all my good friends from blogland. Yes, here's to many more years! *clink* And thank you for all the encouragement and inspiration you've given me through your writing.

    "Free Time"! I can do that; it's one of my favourite things, in fact. :D

  4. Like you, I am so very, very grateful for the friends I have found in the blogosphere. Dear friends. Cherished friends.

  5. That was wonderful, Diane. I enjoy reading all your’s and the other ladies’ poems.

    These people that we only know
    through a modern media and our words do flow
    We have come to care and share our days
    And find that friendship comes in many ways.

  6. I've been around for four of those years Di - I think yours was one of the first blogs I ever discovered (and one of the few still going strong 4 years later!) Hopefully I'll still be reading you in another 4 years!

  7. Thank you :)
    I treasure all my internet friends too, without them I'd have even less contact with the outside world.


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