Thursday, August 2, 2018

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Home again!
I've missed you. I thought I'd share just a peek of what we've been up to for the past two-plus weeks.
It's been glorious!

Husby and I packed up the car and our two eldest granddaughters (Hereinafter known as GD1 and GD2) and headed for the west coast.
Our goal? Visiting our middle son in his home in Courtenay, BC.
First a stop-off in Lake Louise for a visit with youngest son and his family . . .

Then a night in Hope, BC, followed by two (count 'em, two!) ferry rides from Horseshoe Bay to Langdale (followed by booting it across the peninsula to Earls Cove) then a second ride to Saltery Bay and another stunningly beautiful drive to Powell River.
P.S. GD's 1 and 2 LOVED the ferries!

The Granada Restaurant, Powell River.
Where GD's 1 and 2 discovered a love for Greek Food!
The Rodmay Hotel in Powell River. The first building built in the town.
History with a capital 'H'! (And the diner is uber amazing!)

Off to Comox and thus to our destination, Courtenay, BC.

Nymph Falls. Jo Klassens, Seal Beach, Miracle Beach, Coombs Candy Store, Port Alberni. We did them all.
Up on the mountain with Uncle Duff.


And back down the mountain with same.

Nymphs in the woods at Cathedral Grove.

They really liked . . . perching.

And so did their uncle!

Trying to find shade in Port Alberni.

And Old Sea Salt (grampa) tells tales.
 Then we said goodbye to Uncle Duffy and headed back to the mainland.

With stops in Kelowna.
And Sky Trek.
And The Enchanted Forest (which enchanted me when I was a kid!)
Yes that me on the left.
Making a fashion statement.

 Back to Lake Louise and another short stay with family!
Up the Lake Louise Gondola.


Relaxing by the churning stream.

My two cute little bears.

Local Police.

And from there, home.
Glad to be back. But missing our travel companions already!


  1. That looks like a super vacation and best of all, wonderful memories were made.

  2. Families sharing love on vacation, what could be better.

  3. What a great trip; I'm sure GD1 and GD2 will remember it vividly for the rest of their lives! I was starting to worry about your blog absence a bit, but happy to know it was all about FUN!

  4. Looks like a lot of fun; a lot more than I had. Let's see: The first day of my vacation, I got up; then I went downtown, to look for a--job. Then I hung out in front of the drug store. The second day of my vacation, I got up; then I went downtown--to look for a job. Then I hung out in front of the drug store. The 3rd day of my vacation, I got up; then I went downtown, to look for a job; then I got a job, keeping kids from hanging out in front of the drug store. Where would I be without Cheech and Chong?

  5. Looks wonderful and what an adorable family!

  6. Lovely. Another one for the memory book. I was wondering where you got to on Monday....... Do we have a PM theme for next week or would you like us to free style?

  7. It sounds wonderful. Exhausting, but wonderful.

  8. Great grandkids, great memories. They will remember this for a lifetime (and so will you.) O course, when you said "West Coast" I (as an American) had totally different thoughts. It's been 32 years since I've been in British Columbia and it's time to return.

  9. What a beautiful country you live in! So happy for your trip.

  10. I bet they had the BEST time ever - lovely to see a few family snaps from you Diane - and a little look into your world!

  11. Looks like a fabulous holiday was had by all. Laughed at the two trying to find shade, they need to carry their own portable shade: hats with wide brims.

  12. What a great vacation! Thanks for sharing! It looks like you had great weather the whole time.

  13. Thanks for sharing your Summer vacation experience. Travellers would be feeling happy to enjoy such a great vacation experience.
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