Friday, September 21, 2018


Her Mama (Daughter #2) is a carpenter.
Has been for over a decade.
Soooo . . . since long before Granddaughter #6 (hereinafter known as GD6) was born.
Mama is remarkably talented at building stage sets. In the dark backstages of Edmonton Alberta’s theatrical world, she is considered a tech bright light.
So to speak.
Ahem . . .
Yes. That is a kitchen...
Her mother was building sets and props in their kitchen when GD6 was only a week old.
I have a picture of Mama painting the floor of a set with GD6 snug as a bug in a carrier.
At the age of five months, GD6 and Grandma took up residence in one of the change rooms at one of the theatres while Mama was building down the hall in the shop.
It was fairly entertaining to watch Mama blow the sawdust of herself when it was time to come and nurse the baby!
But I digress . . .
To say that GD6 has grown up with it is probably an understatement.
In her little world, Mama is a carpenter. The end.
A couple of days ago, GD6 got a bit of a shock.
Let me tell you about it . . .
They were out and about. Mama collecting materials for the building of a set for the soon-to-open Pinocchio by Alberta Opera.
Then working on said set in the bowels of yet another Edmonton theatre.
GD6 had been tagging along. Watching the fabrication.
Playing on her IPad.
Doing those things she has been doing for much of her six years.
As they drove home, they passed some building construction.
A fairly common sight in the always-growing city of Edmonton.
They had stopped for traffic. There outside the window was a house currently being assembled.
GD6 sat, looking at it. Then she noticed something. “Mama! There’s men carpenters!” She pointed.
Her Mama nodded. “Yep.”
“Huh! I didn’t know there could be men carpenters!”
Truly the world is a place of surprises.

One of many.


  1. Ha! Love what had become that little girl's normal. Hope to see more of it in our society.

  2. It's interesting to see how a person's view of normal may seem unusual to someone else. Kind of like male hairdressers and female mechanics....

  3. this enlightened age we women have gradually begun to allow men to do more and moe of our traditional jobs. Basically, whatever we can foist off on them lol.

  4. Adorable and what a smart little girl!

  5. I love that your granddaughter is getting to see her mama in this way. And your daughter is so talented - very nice work!

  6. "I didn't know there could be men carpenters".
    That's funny. GD6 has a lot more surprises to come as she grows and observes.


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