Monday, September 3, 2018

Fall's Magic

I discovered ‘Fall’ when I was ten,
Yes, Autumn happened long before,
I just began to notice then.
Sit back, I’d like to tell you more…

To make us culturally aware,
Our Mom would haul us once a week,
To Mrs. Sproad of the greying hair,
For music lessons. So to speak.

Each time, I’d sweat my half an hour,
On piano bench. With tongue in teeth.
When brother sat, I got to scour
The farm. From barns to distant heath.

With collie, Princess, by my side,
I wandered out wher’er I could.
Through grasses long and leaves all dried,
Just two of us there in the woods.

The sounds, the smells I can’t forget,
The crisp and spicy odors pleased,
If I could, I’d be there yet,
Running through the crunchy leaves.

With Princess and her ringing bark,
My trustworthy companion, she,
A furry, friendly matriarch
Who now is just a memory.

So now each time I smell those smells,
Or find myself knee deep in leaves,
The memories, I can’t dispel,
Fall's magic? On my heart it breathes.

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we'll celebrate with flair,
The funny, fuzzy Teddy Bear.                             


  1. It's my favourite time of year.......the crunch of the leaves and that smell of decay....beautiful.

  2. "On my heart it breathes" - oh yes! So well put. Fall hits all the sensory buttons, doesn't it?

  3. P. S. Teddy Bear -- got it! Thank you :)

  4. I love this, especially oh my heart if breathes. I miss fall. We don't get much in California. Sigh.

  5. I would love autumn even more except it leads to winter! But yes, I have to admit, the smells and sounds of autumn childhoods in New York City (different from yours, yet the same) remain with me today, too.


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