Monday, September 10, 2018

My 'Teddy'

When I was young, the dark I feared,
My brothers teased and thought me weird,
I sighed and recognized my lot,
Imagination’s what I’d got.

Then Mama gave me something warm,
Just to protect me from the storm,
And from the creatures of the dark,
That under my small bed were parked.

‘Twas plump and cuddly, soft and sweet,
It blotted tears, caressed my cheeks,
When monsters came (at close of day),
I cuddled hard—they went away.

I called it ‘Teddy’, ‘cause it was,
A Teddy Bear with furry paws,
And so together he and me,
We grew as close as friends could be.

And time went on and then I grew
And married a boy that I knew,
But though much older, I’d not outgrown,
That fear of darkness that I'd known,

I had no bear to cuddle with,
Protect me from my monster myths,
But then I found I’d something more,
To stop those monsters at the door.

My marriage gave me someone warm,
Just to protect me from the storm,
And from the creatures of the dark,
That under my large bed were parked.

He’s not fuzzy, but he's sweet,
He blots my tears, caresses cheeks,
When monsters come (at close of day),
I cuddle hard—they go away.

So though I don’t have Teddy now,
It doesn’t matter anyhow,
‘Cause what I have is far more 'good',
Than what I had in childhood!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, in our own way,
We'll celebrate those baking days.                      


  1. Aw....he kind of LOOKS like a teddy doesn't he? Fun theme this week Diane...thanks.

  2. So sweet. Yes he is just about as cute as the Teddy!

  3. So basically Husby is a big girl's Teddy Bear. Perfect!

  4. So true that in childhood when Mom or Dad leaves the room, even if there is a night light, hugging something pushes the shadows away. Thanks for the memories.

  5. Well, he's *kinda* fuzzy in the face region!

    I'm glad you found an even better substitute for Teddy.

    Baking! That sounds like fun! Thanks :)

  6. Awww.
    My greedy self has my partner AND my bears. And pink puppy.

  7. He looks like a bit of a teddy bear to me Diane - and you both look very happy in the pic xx


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