Friday, October 19, 2018

A Little Mystery

Could you help me with something?
A few months ago, Husby and I purchased a secretary.
Now before you get worried, it was the kind that is beautifully crafted of wood.
We purchased it in an antique store just outside of Courtenay, British Columbia.
Husby dragged out his oils and rags and other paraphernalia and got to work.
But that isn't why we need the help.
That part comes now . . .
While Husby was busily taking apart and putting together, he discovered, trapped in a far cranny, this:
Don't they look happy?
Now comes the help part.
Anyone recognize them?
I'd love to discover the story!
If I don't find the real tale, I'm going to have to create one.
And, let's face it, the created probably won't be anywhere near the actual.
Just sayin'.
So, pass it along!


  1. Shared this-I hope the Internet works to help you find the story!

  2. I can't help -- but these days, the internet has been able to solve similar mysteries. I hope you solve the puzzle!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, EC. Maybe someone in your neck of the woods will know... :)

  4. Acttually it would be better NOT to find out....I'd like to read the story you craft about it.

  5. Diane, Wow! That's amazing. Maybe with the powers of social media, you can find this adorable couple. Wouldn't that be something? Get shivers.

  6. Yes, they seem so happy, and if I can make an inference based on the pics, I bet they'd be a lot of fun to meet if you ever find out who they are. Hope you do.

    1. Definitely on my list of hopeful things, Karen. Find out who they are. Meet them . . .

  7. This is sooooo cool! If you find out the story behind it, please let us know!!

  8. No help from me I'm afraid. I'm in the wrong country for starters.

  9. That's a real find. It makes your secretary more meaningful. Keep us posted if you find out who they are.


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