Thursday, October 4, 2018

Bed Wars

I'm a maker-of-beds; a bed-maker, me.
I do it to make things as neat as can be.
My Husby’s a nest-er; glad burrower, he.
Rolled in the bedclothes, cocooned in debris.

I'm ready as soon as my feet hit the floor,
To straighten and tighten and tuck and restore.
While Husby, yes he of the im-press-ive snore
[Through his actions], explains just what bedding is for.

We don’t argue or fight – we’re above all of that,
We don’t even have what you might call ‘a spat’.
But with such different wishes, his – messy; mine – flat,
You’re wondering how we've avoided combat . . .

Well . . .

There’s something that you need to know about me,
I'm sneaky. Hereafter, I'm sure you’ll agree.
Through the night, he may bundle as tight as can be,
But, sooner or later, he’ll have to go [pee].

Forgive my crass blurting of natural acts,
But this is what happens. Yes. These are the facts.
As he nips to the ‘john’ to regroup and relax,
His spouse leaps from bed, morning ritual enacts.

Emerging, he sees, once again, he’s been bossed.
That his needed relief didn't come without cost.
He looks at the blankets, once comfy and tossed,
Heaves a soft, simple sigh for his Paradise Lost.


  1. Smiling at your sneakiness. Himself plants flowers in rows. I like a messy garden. So I plant things behind and in front (and sometimes between) his regimented plants. The rows are still there, but I can't see them.

  2. roflol I am a huge fan of verse and the people who can write them.
    :) gwingal

  3. My husband and I are both bed makers - our daughter is a nester - we just don't get how you can be comfortable in all that rumple! Smart move on the sneaky bedmaking :)

    1. Ugh. Rumple. I have to smooth the sheets even to climb in. On days when my sneakiness doesn't produce results, I've been known to make a bed just before getting into it!

  4. I prefer my bed made nice and neat too, but usually I throw back all the bedding and let the air get to it while I eat breakfast. The only time I make it immediately is if I'm off somewhere to an appointment or similar. Other times I've had to leave it unmade until the cat decides she's had enough sleep...

    1. These sleeping partners. They just make our routines so much more difficult! ;)


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