Monday, October 15, 2018


Daddy's Favourite!
And who better to put the topic of DOORS to rhyme than Spike Jones and his City Slickers!
I can still hear Daddy singing along...

Also for your enjoyment: The best article about doors I've ever read!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Though some of us have just signed up,
Next week's about The Grandma Club!


  1. What a great record!! 'Fools go in and out behind the swinging doors', isn't that the truth!

  2. Great song. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Diane,

    What a vintage sound! I'd never heard of the group or the song. :) The 4M crew is delighted to have you join us for 'your choice song picks'. It's furtastic to meet you!

    1. They were my dad's favourite group, Cathy. I was raised on the hi-jinks of Spike Jones... It was so fun to be included! Thank you!

  4. Spike Jones. Yes. So funny, so talented. Cocktails for two!

  5. What a great old song...and...thanks for the shout out.

  6. "... some pass in and others pass out" - lol!!

    What a great old recording!

    1. It was years before I caught on to what that sentence meant. Little girl minds... :)

  7. Oh, this makes me wish I still had my old record player! Such a special sound!

  8. I had to smile at the gramophone - it brought back memories of the one my dad had (he liked old stuff) and we enjoyed the records with their whimsical lyrics (much like this one!)

  9. Oh wow, I totally love this. Thank you for sharing. I have to get my messages short because of my limited time for now. Big hugs & thanks for sharing.

  10. What a great song - thanks so much for sharing, and for the dance! :)

  11. Welcome , welcome aboard and thanks for the dance.

  12. Hi Diane,
    Welcome to the 4M Gang! This is a fun song. I've never heard of Spike Jones and the City Slickers so I did go check him out on Wikipedia. Will have to go dig up some more of his music. Sounds like he had some great satirical songs. On the page there is a photo of him with Marilyn Monroe...

    Hope you're enjoying your week here with the Monday's Music Moves Me gang. Please stop by my place when you get a chance. Enjoy your Sunday.

    Michele at Angels Bark


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