Monday, October 8, 2018

Giving Thanks

‘Please bow your head and all give thanks for blessings you’ve been given,’
I did as I was told, then thought of this old life I’m live-n.
I’ve fam-i-ly, that’s number one and a modicum of wealth,
And food to eat and clothes to wear and yes, I’ve got my health.
There’s things that I can do that make each day diverse and fun,
And friends and family to help (that keep me on the run).
I’ve tales and articles to write and some to read as well,
And always there’s a grandchild near and stories I can tell.
I’ve got my job, I’ve got my faith, I’m grateful for them both,
And even problems when they come, assuring spiritual growth.
I’m grateful for my childhood, and parents I hold dear,
And all my precious memories that still remain so clear.
My friends both near and far I simply could not do without,
I’m grateful for their caring, even when they bawl me out!
I’m grateful for my country and the freedoms I enjoy,
And happy, too, that I can choose just how I’ll be employed.
My list goes on and on and, yes, it truly humbles me,
When I think of all I have and all that I can be,
And so, today, you’ll find me, folding arms, with eyes shut tight,
For blessings I’ve been given I thank Him with all my might!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Inspired by Delores, next week,
We'll talk of DOORS--it will be sweet!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving. A wonderful poem!

    1. Thank you so much, Haralee! I'm thankful for poems, too! :)

  2. We should all take time each day to ponder what we are grateful for. Lovely poem.

  3. Gratitude is a gift which keeps on giving. All year.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. A different country, I live in.
    Yet today I'm thankful too.
    For the friendship of a Canadian.
    Yes, I do mean you!

    1. I'm thankful for your friendship, too!
      Cause mine, I'm glad to give to you!

      Heehee! This is such fun!

  5. Beautiful....we all have so much to be thankful for if we just stop a minute to think about it.

  6. You have covered it all, and so well, Diane - I liked the line about problems. It's a good way to look at them!

  7. P. S. Doors! That's an intriguing topic! Thank you for continuing to supply the prompts, Diane.

    1. I love doing this! I actually stole this from Delores, who had a blog post a few weeks ago on this exact subject. It's been tickling at my mind since then! Clever girl . . .


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