Tuesday, October 30, 2018

One More Day

Any Excuse

Countdown to Halloween . . .
Tristan - acting evil.
Our family loves to dress up.
Maybe that's the reason we love theatre so much.
It's legal there . . .
For my husby and I, it started in our respective childhoods.
We carried it, happily, into our own family.
Through the years, any excuse to dress up was instantly seized.
St. Patrick's Day.
As I said, any excuse.
Our costume collection grew apace (real word).
In no time, it outgrew the large cardboard box that I had originally stuffed things into and into its own room.
The kids spent many, many happy hours in that room, playing dress-up.
As they grew, so did their costumes, becoming more elaborate and detailed.
Bunnies, ladybugs and clowns became Elizabethan gowns and chain mail.
And I mean real chain mail.
With gauntlets.
The room that holds the costumes now is bigger than our first living room.
Our neighbourhood has grown accustomed to seeing our family traipsing around, dressed . . . unusually.
It's fun.
And now our grandchildren have caught the spirit.
Sometimes, good things are passed down through the generations . . .
Queen of Hearts

And yes, that's real chain mail. He knits it . . .
Expecting their/our first child/grandchild

A night in Bethlehem

Notice the backpack. Authentic in every way! Not!
Husby as Teddy Roosevelt
Passing it on to the next generation . . .
Yes. They are PJ's


  1. I love your spirit and that you've passed it down to the next generations. He really knitted that chain mail? Is it real metal?

    1. It is real metal, Brenda! He actually threads the links one-by-one. It's quite a process to watch! We tease him about 'knitting' it. His dad wants him to knit us a volkswagen . . .

  2. I could spend days in that room! The real point is just having fun together, and your family has that nailed!

    1. Next time you're in Canada . . .
      There's nothing I like more than being together as a family!

  3. Knitting real chain mail? Can you crochet it? Now you have me wishing I had grown up in such a family.

    1. It's so fun to watch him! He actually threads it link by link. We tease him about 'knitting'. Hmmm . . . crocheting. We must try that! :)

  4. What fun! Love those Elizabethan gowns and your husband as Teddy Roosevelt. Priceless.

  5. Hooray for passing fun and creativity down the line.

    1. I like passing along good qualities. They certainly get enough of my bad ones! :)

  6. I do enjoy dressing up! As kids we didn't do Halloween. So when my kids came along I had the best time making their costumes. Sometimes I think they secretly wanted the walmart costumes, but I wouldn't let them.
    :) gwingal

  7. I'm very impressed with the costumes, you could probably open a dressmaking salon and make a fortune, but then you might not have time for family.

  8. Halloween was my second favourite occasion when I was a kid. Loved to dress up. I'd go join a theatre group to do it some more except I'm not really extroverted enough! I'll just admire your family's costumes instead :)


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