Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Pumpkin Time

I love pumpkin. Quite a lot.
Love it cold. And love it hot.
Made in soups or cakes or pies,
I even like my pumpkin fries!
And so in honor of this treat,
I have some jokes that can’t be beat,
My grandkids found them, it is true,
And so I’ll share them, now, with you!

What waddles; is orange, white and black?
A penguin with a pumpkin pack.

How are you? What did pumpkin say?
‘I’m feeling very vine today.’

Why sits the gourd on the porch floor?
He has no hands to thump the door.

How do you fix a gourd that’s broke?
A pumpkin patch! (My favorite joke!)

What is the pumpkin’s favorite sport?
It’s squash! (They don’t play on a court…)

A pretty pumpkin. What’s it called?
It’s Gourdgeous. Please don’t be appalled…

What kind of gourd grows up in trees?
A plumkin. If you look, you’ll see.

Who helps the small gourds cross the street?
The crossing gourd. It’s quite a feat!

What’s a pumpkin that is fit?
A jock o’ lantern. They don’t quit.

An overweight-y pumpkin is?
A Plumpkin. Hey! I love this quiz!

How is a pumpkin’s family known?
They are his Pump-kin. E’en when grown.

Who is the leader of the gourds?
The Pumpking. They all call him ‘Lord’.

Best thing to put in pumpkin pie?
Your teeth. Come on now, don’t be shy.

Post-Thanksgiving, what’d gourd say?
Good-pie, All! Hope you had a nice day!

The Grands and I had lots of fun,
Just telling jokes till we were done,
D’you like them? Did we strike a cord?
I guess it’s back to the drawing board…

Each month our ‘boss’ finds something new,
And then we cogitate and stew,
Sometimes it’s good, and sometimes ‘ewww!’
The fun is sending it to you!

This month’s theme was PUMPKIN (time).
And we all got it down in rhyme!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Team Pumpkin
Dawn of Cognitive Script: Pumpkins
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: 4 Little Pumpkins


  1. OK, now I'm completely in awe, rhyming riddles? Is there anything you can't do?

  2. Good golly...they were all good....but the best one is 'pie'.

  3. Love this! It qualifies as good, clean fun, and we can always use more of that. Thanks for sharing with us!

  4. This was great. Quite a talented lot y’all are.

  5. I bow to your wonderful writing, Diane. You are truly a force to be reckoned with!

  6. I read some of this at lunch, and more after work, and I just have to share it with the punsters of my life. Wonderful!

  7. These are wonderful! I'm so impressed that you rhymed them all :)


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