Wednesday, November 14, 2018


I know, to you, it prob’ly doesn’t seem a lot like cleaning,
But hear me out and I’ll explain the way that I am leaning,
I’m sure you will agree my method’s really quite efficient,
You cannot argue with results—spectacularly . . . sufficient.

Each day I open up the fridge and reach for something yummy,
Something pleasing to the taste and nourishing for my tummy,
But often times, I reach right past the ghosts of yesterdays,
Those things once fresh but whose appeal has long been passed away,

Now listen close, cause here’s the point that I was getting to,
That remarkable technique that you should really not eschew,
It’s amazingly efficient and effective, you will see,
And best of all it takes so little energy from me!

Once a year, I open up the ‘frigerator door,
And loudly contact all the food that wasn’t there before,
“All you with arms and legs and sense, I’m sorry to aggrieve,
But every one of you will have to pack their bags and leave!”

Each month all Karen's friends will gather, writing on a theme,
And sometimes genius burns and sometimes inspiration gleams,
At times we may be silly or find purpose when we're done,
But one thing that is certain is we all are having fun!

Hop over and see what the others have done with this month's theme: Cleaning Out the Fridge!
Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Clean Out Your Fridge Day
Dawn of Cognitive Script: Out With The Fuzzy
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: Clean that Fridge


  1. Ha, now why didn't I think of that, just open the door and say "get out".

  2. LOL! I need to go now and practice my outdoor voice in preparation for cleaning out my very own fridge :)

    Your poetry is amazing, Diane! I know how hard it is to fit what one wants to say into the mold of rhythm and rhyme :)

    1. Haha! You said 'mold'. Sorry. I'm still thinking about the fridge . . .

  3. Diane, I'm convinced you can take any subject and make it into a charming, wonderful poem.

    1. Why, thank you, Laurie! I love the challenge. But I don't know about ANY SUBJECT... ;)

  4. Too funny - I love your wit and way with words!

  5. I think Weird Al said it best in his classic hit "Living in the Fridge". You can't stop the mold from growing!

  6. Your poem is funny, but I have to say, nothing ever stays in my fridge long enough to grow arms and legs. Leftovers get eaten the very next day and the only thing that might grow mould is cheese, because I just don't eat it often.

    1. You're so much better than me, River! I've even been known to make chokecherry wine in my fridge. But that is a whole other story!


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