Monday, November 12, 2018

Someplace Warm

The winds were blowing awful fierce,
Forecast predicting something worse,
The snow was falling thickly down,
And ice encased our little town.

We were feeling cold’s effects
And hunkered down like freezing wrecks,
All bemoaned our precious health,
Cause it was just September twelfth!

I scurried past the travel place,
Its sunny posters in the case,
They were not meant as an insult,
Though that is how they really felt!

I tried to peer across the street,
And felt as though I had been beat-
en. Standing in the cold and storm,
I imagined someplace warm.

I found my car and cleaned it off,
Then took a breath, began to cough,
Cheated as I could ever get,
We hadn’t finished summer yet!

I eased my car into the night,
Of honking horns and dulled headlights,
Then driving slowly through the storm,
I imagined someplace warm.

It took a while to find my street,
Trust me, by then I was beat!
With windows iced and brakes all locked,
Felt that I drove a curling rock.

I parked the car, forced back the door,
I tell you, it was quite a chore.
Then up the sidewalk, slip and slide,
I hurried just to get ‘inside’!

My fingers and my nose were blue!
I turned the lock and darted through,
Then stopped and blinked—well, once or twice,
I’d just walked into paradise!

A fire, warm, burned in the grate,
And supper waited, there aplate,
I felt protected from all harm,
I’d finally found my ‘someplace warm’!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we three will use our skills,
To talk about the things we build!


  1. Thank you for keeping poetry Monday alive.
    And it is the cold in your poem which attracts me. And fills me with envy.

    1. If we could just take an average between yours and mine . . .

  2. Love it! There is no place like home!

  3. So beautiful. There's nothing more welcoming than a good meal and a fire.

  4. I could feel both the cold AND the warmth, Diane - the mark of an excellent writer. I will catch up on Poetry Monday as soon as possible, hopefully tomorrow!


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