Tuesday, November 6, 2018

That's How You Were Designed

In honour of 'World Kindness' Day, I've decided to share a song I wrote.
Admittedly, it was written with children in mind and, in point of fact, has been sung by same.
But I thought, in view of the anger and fear that seem so plentiful in the world right now, I would share it with you.
Sadly, you will have to imagine the happy, upbeat tune. And the cheery little voices.
But the words are there.
And I hope they help . . .

It is titled, simply, Be Kind.

When I grow up, here’s what I’ll be: An Astronaut in space.
A doctor or a farmer or an athlete in a race.
A soldier or an Engineer, a miner in a mine.
No matter what I choose to be, I’m choosing to be kind.

Be kind! Be kind! That’s how you were designed!
Be smart, be fun, be fast on the run,
But best of all, be kind!

Or maybe I could be a nurse, a clerk or guide or cook.
A mom or dad or carpenter, a writer, writing books.
A vet-erin-ar-i-an, I'd heal the animals I find.
No matter what I choose to be, I’m choosing to be kind.

Be kind! Be kind! That’s how you were designed!
Be smart, be fun, be fast on the run,
But best of all, be kind!

May this sentiment roll forward. This day and all the days to come.
My Three Little Bakers. Being kind...
My friends have joined me in honouring Kindness in all its forms.
Please take a little time today and visit them!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: World Kindness Election Day
Dawn of Cognitive Script: World Kindness and Elections
Jules of The Bergham Chronicles: Kindness Matters
Jenn from Sparkly Poetic Weirdo: What We Need to Know When It Gets Bad: Kindness Keeps Us Here


  1. I adore this song, it's exactly what we want to teach all children. Now you know I want to hear it sung . ..

  2. Love it! Love it! Love it! I have a folder of rhyming songs and poems of this sort that my mom wrote while raising nine children. That was her creative outlet. This reminded me of her style. So thanks for that bit of nostalgia as well as the uplifting message, of course:-)

    1. I would SO love to hear them! We rhyming moms have to stick together!

  3. Kindness should be spread as liberally as possible.

  4. So beautiful, Diane, and especially on Voting Day, we need to remember it.

  5. This is so fun and lighthearted. It is how we are designed...to be kind, so we might as well do what comes natural to us! :)

    1. I agree completely! Brings on a whole new meaning to "doin' what comes naturally!" :)

  6. That's very cute and true for us all. Be kind. It's that simple.

  7. The perfect poem/song for Election Day in the United States. We have been anything but kind the past weeks. Will we be able to turn back the tide of hate? Only time will tell.

  8. That's a lovely song. I'm often told I'm kind and nice, which doesn't seem to fit with some of the uncharitable thoughts I sometimes have, but I do seem to be helping people quite a bit since I moved here.

    1. I'm quite sure even the kindest of us sometimes have 'those' thoughts. It's whether or not we act on them . . .

  9. Kindness is number one on my list of qualities I like in other people and strive for in myself. I love your song and wish more people could have learned it while they were young. How the world needs more kindness.


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