Monday, December 10, 2018

The Lazy Christmas

As I get older, I have found,
(‘Tis something of which I’m not proud),
My motivation’s slipping by,
I’d rather sit. If it’s allowed…

The thought of dragging out the chests
Of Christmas tinsel, balls and bows,
Just makes me tired. I want to sit
Here ‘fore the fire in deep repose.

This year, I called the ‘chicklets’ up,
To see if they would come help me,
I tried to sweeten up the pot,
With just a little bribery.

And so they came. And busily,
They carried, hauled and opened up,
They placed and hung and rearranged,
And even did a quick clean up!

Then we made cookies: Yummy, sweet,
And laughed and talked as we rolled dough,
Though we were tired and sticky. Hot.
I’m sure we were in Heaven, though.

And lastly, there before the fire,
With much of giggles, loud guffaws,
They decorated one last thing,
Their patient, sleepy, sweet Grandpa!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, we three will look askance
At the holiday romance!


  1. Your husband is a Saint! I don't think this is the first post that he was decorated. All looks lovely and what could go better than cookies!

  2. I bet decorating grandpa will be a reason to help for years to come!

    1. I can see it now.
      "Kids... It's that time again."
      "Yay! Time to decorate Grandpa!

  3. Never sleep on the job! You snooze, you...get decorated. A new holiday tradition!

  4. Love the chicklets reward(s). The sweetness AND the extra decorations.

  5. Using multi-patterned hair clips to decorate Grandpa - how inventive! I think you had the right idea about decorating. Young folks have all the energy that is needed :)

    An interesting topic for next week . . . :D

    1. They also corner the market on enthusiasm. Mine seems to have gone somewhere . . .
      Yes, I thought their choice of festive clips truly inspired.
      Grandpa, on the other hand . . .

  6. Beyond cute and what a wonderful family you have, Diane! If only every family could be so loving and happy.

    1. Thank you so much, Laurie! We definitely have a lot of fun!

  7. What a lovely little glimpse into your family's Christmas preparations - you're very blessed to have those grandkids close by and bribe-able. Loved the beard decor too x

    1. Thank you, Leanne, I love having them close! I don't know how long it will last (some family members are out of work and looking in other areas) :( But for now I will treasure every moment! And they definitely are bribe-able!

  8. It's lovely to be able to call on the young ones while you sit and delegate. I no longer decorate, just a few tiny trees here and there, maybe a bauble or two hanging in a doorway. Mmm, cookies.

    1. I'm there as well. I sat and looked at my bare room and simply didn't have the energy to decorate. Soooo grateful for those eager, energetic youngsters! ;)


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