Wednesday, February 6, 2019

My Hearts

Teaching teens is what I do,
I teach the whole week long.
I’ve grown to love these kids of mine,
I miss them if they’re gone!

It’s early when we gather there
Before the sun has ‘riz’,
We talk of sweet, important things,
Play games or take a quiz.

And every morning, in they come,
Just like the day before,
And every morn, again I feel,
I could not love them more.

For several weeks, with Husby, I
Was staying someplace warm,
With sun and sand and salty breeze,
And not one winter storm.

But I worried ‘bout my kids,
I couldn’t even call,
I had to know they knew that I
Was thinking of them all.

And so I gave them each my heart.
(A charm to represent),
So they knew I carried them,
Everywhere I went.

It’s been a year since I gave out
The hearts of plastic, red,
To carry in their pockets so
They’d think of what I said.

And though it has been many months,
Sometimes, someone will
Pull out their heart to show my love
Is carried with them still.

We love this, we are Karen's crew,
Each month we have a job to do
We're writing po-ems just for you,
Please visit all before you're through!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Hearts and Flowers
Dawn of Cognitive Script: My Heart My Gift
Jules of The Bergham Chronicles: Hearts Heal
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: 6 Hearts


  1. aww I love this! Straight to the feels <3

  2. What a good idea!

    And how lovely to read a poem from you :)

  3. Lovely! Pun intended! I did this once with my high schoolers, emulating my 3rd grade teacher...gave them each a "warm fuzzy" which was really a puff ball with eyes <3

  4. a heart to carry always is a great idea and I think I will get one for my youngest grand daughter who sorely needs to be reminded she is loved.


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