Friday, March 15, 2019

Almost Home

I looked at the clock for the umpteenth time as I stuffed the margarine back into the fridge.
“What time did you say . . .?”
“Two o’clock!” Mom sounded a bit exasperated. I didn’t blame her. I must have asked the same question five times in the past five minutes.
I glanced at the clock again.
Mom sighed. “I can’t quite believe two weeks is already over.”
I didn’t, either. It had been a blissful two weeks. Quiet conversations. Quiet dinners. Quiet . . . everything.
Okay, I had to admit it to myself, it had been too quiet. Yep. I missed my sister.
Oh, I had tried to talk myself out of it. I mean, who misses broken tubs. Lost money. Manipulated PVR headsets. Kidnapped cats. Disgruntled neighbours.
Well, I guess . . . me.
I glanced at the clock again. Five minutes to go.
Mom sighed once more.
Both of us straightened as the sound of squealing tires came clearly from the front yard.
She frowned and looked at the clock as we got to our feet. “Already?”
We started toward the door, but had only taken a step or two when it was flung open. Sally, immediately followed by Cousin Ruth, darted inside and slammed it shut.
Both of them gave us a brief smile of welcome before hurrying past us to the front window. “Pretty narrow margin,” Cousin Ruth muttered. Sally nodded, her smile evaporating.
Mom and I looked at each other. Mom had an eyebrow up.
Uh-oh . . .
Parting the curtains slightly, Sally and Cousin Ruth peered outside.
Mom and I moved hesitantly toward them.
Just then a police car, lights and siren blazing, blew past.
Sally and Cousin Ruth kept staring for a couple of seconds after it had disappeared down the street. Then Sally turned to us. “If anyone asks,” she said, “we’ve been here all day.”

Each month, Karen of Baking in a Tornado issues a challenge--and a few words--to each of her followers/friends.
My words this month were:
margin ~ margarine ~ money ~ manipulate
And were given to me by none other than my amazing friend and personal Chef-I-Wish, Karen.   
Thank you, Karen! This is SUCH fun!

Visit our other friends to continue the fun!      
Baking in a Tornado


  1. Oh, please tell me you made up this story!

    1. Okay. I made up this story! But I'm quite sure you, like me, know a 'Sally'! :)

  2. And.....she's back. Apparently Ruth is cut from the same cloth.

    1. Sadly, yes. Who knows what two of them can get up to! ;)

  3. This is getting good! I'm going to have to back up and start this story from the beginning :)

  4. Aaaaand she's *back*!
    Great ending ;-)

    1. Thank you, Tamara! Nothing like a whirlwind entrance!

  5. Now that's the way to make an entrance :)

  6. Uh oh sounds a whole lot like my misspent youth!

    1. I'm quite sure she's partly modelled on you. And/or your brothers . . .

  7. Batten the hatches! Sally's home!

  8. Well, I guess quiet time is over! Sally's home!

  9. Boy that girl does get in some trouble doesn't she?

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