Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Love 'em or Hate 'em

I bless the longer summer days, the heavens filled with light,
The glorious, golden evenings that stretch far into the night.
And having sunshine join me on my early morning walks,
Watch shadows flee from yards and streets as I traverse the blocks.

I bless the longer days, and yet, there is another side,
And reasons that some other folks the longer days deride,
I live north, but further north, another side you see,
That’s witnessed by those ‘northern’ folks who live so far from me.

For them, these longer days are much, much longer than what’s here,
In fact, that big ol’ sun will never ever disappear.
Just circles quietly around, ‘bout halfway up the sky,
And causes consternation by this general act thereby.

The people living there cannot depend upon the sun,
And must consult with clocks and things to tell when day is done.
But there’s another reason summer fills the folks with dread
Cause in the summer, children never, ever go to bed!

I love poetry, you know, it really makes me grin,
And once a month, I'm blessed to have my Karen count me in.
And with her other friends, we craft some poems on a theme,
So why not skip across and read from others on my team!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Longer Days
Dawn of Cognitive Script: Longer Days
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: The days are long


  1. I hadn't thought of that but kids not wanting to go to bed would have been sheer torture when mine were young.

  2. Oh my gosh I can't even imagine the horror. It's bad enough when the time changes and we just have to say, "Oh, go to bed!" as the sun still streams into their rooms.

  3. Nice to see another post from you.
    Eternal sunshine? Shudder. Indeed eternal most things makes me shudder (I am obviously a temporary sort of girl).

  4. I like sunshine, but not the extreme heat it can bring, but I also like night time when the world is dark and stars glitter above, when children know it's time to sleep.

  5. It's hard enough to get them to bed...imagine if it were light outside all the time. Hope all is well with you Diane...we're missing you on poetry monday.

  6. Awesome post.Thanks for sharing.This is so nice.

  7. Oh, well done with the surprise ending! It fits in there so nicely :)

    We are still carrying on with Poetry Monday in your absence, Diane - if you're interested, don't hesitate to jump back in!

  8. Love them and get tired of them. I would not want to live in Alaska or places where it is daylight for six months at a time. about long days

  9. Laughing! OMG, I can't imagine children never going to sleep and bouncing off the walls... all day long. Help.

  10. Funny. I was just talking about this with someone yesterday. Can't even imagine.


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