Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Some R Bashed

I had the grandkids here today,
I thought ‘twould be a time for play,
The water slide enticed them first,
Until the garden hose just…burst,
They roamed about the pirate ship,
Then Willow fell and split her lip.
Foam swords in hand they crossed the 'heath',
Till William got one in the teeth,
Then Lizbeth missed the climbing frame,
And Leah got all of the blame,
Hazel, Bronwyn, Linney, too,
Lost the tug-o-war, got soaked through,
Emma stood and watched, amazed,
While all her cousins acted crazed…
Quincy, thankfully too small,
To get her small self smashed at all,
And all the older cousins, too,
Too wise to wade into the zoo!
It’s peaceful now, they’ve all gone home,
No more as pirates do they roam,
Some were bruised, some bloodied, too,
With all the antics they got through,
And I've learned with all this balderdash,
Just what is meant by ‘Summer Bash’!

We friends of Karen happ'ly meet,
To rhyme with words. A challenge greet,
So while you're on the 'net today,
Stop by and see what our friends say! 

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Summer Bash
Dawn of Spatulas On Parade: Summer Bash Pizza Style
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: Summer’s a Bash


  1. Ahhh, memories to cherish, LOL. Quite an active tribe you've got there, and I bet you're enjoying every minute!

  2. I remember having all six grandchildren to watch one evening. It can be brutal, but I lived.

  3. Great play on words in your title! Active children are pretty much synonymous with cuts and scrapes (or worse). They want to do so much but they don't anticipate the consequences! You have your hands full!

  4. A tiring time (for you as much as for them).

  5. Fun times, but isn't it lovely when they all go home again?

  6. Gah you're so good at these. I always look forward to reading your poetry. What a fun scene!


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