Monday, August 12, 2019

First Hero

The heroes of my little world, when I was very small
Were astonishingly varied, and not a few at all.
My dad. He was my very first, he was so strong and smart,
I knew he’d give me anything, so I gave him my heart.
You have to know, my mom was there, I loved her more than life,
She gave me hugs, and food and care and sheltered me from strife.
And on the ranch, the hired men. Most notable was Bud,
He smiled and teased—put up with me (and saved me from the mud!)
I had loads of aunts and uncles. And their plethora of kids
Came often to the ranch and followed everything I did.
But even with my clan (and friends), someone else burned bright,
Someone who came to our house on every Wednesday night.
Appearing on the flick’ring screen, astride the ‘best-est’ horse,
The sheriff of Dodge City, with all peace to enforce.
Yes, Marshall Dillon, he of tow’ring strength and breadth and height,
He’d vanquish evil with one hand, curb bad guys with his might!
Each week, within that TV box, my hero came to me,
To save my world from nastiness and guard ‘gainst villainy.
Now how on earth do you compete with someone of that size?
What could you do to raise yourself there in your daughter’s eyes?
Well, my parents had it figured. Worked it slick as slick could be,
My hero-worship handled—yes, they simply watched with me!
There is a codicil, oh yes, I probably should announce it,
Gunsmoke, the show was called, but I never ever could pronounce it!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So all of us together, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
Now go and see what they have done
I'm sure it will be lots of fun!
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week is Jenny's turn to dream,
She's chosen 'camping' for our theme!


  1. I enjoy reading these poems every week and seeing what you ladies do with the theme.

    I think my first hero/crush was Tonto. I never went with the obvious.

    1. Heehee! I had a huge crush on Chester. But Marshall Dillon always came first!

  2. Well done, Diane! I had big trouble with this topic but only because I couldn't decide what hero meant to me :)

    I've offered a topic for next week, also - how do you want to handle the topics; would you like me to take turn about to supply them? Have two topics each week to choose from? Some other solution?

    1. Thank you, Jenny! When I thought of heroes, Marshall Dillon immediately came to mind. Mmmmm... I'd love to share the topic duties. We'll definitely go with yours for next week. Camping, it is! Perfect!

  3. Mine was always Micheal Landon from Little House On The Prairie! I loved that man dearly ...well him and Grizzly Adams! (Rena)

  4. So good to have you back Diane. You've been missed. We had a wonderful range of western 'hero' types didn't we? The Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers, Hopalong endless list.

  5. Perry Mason for me, but I won't be writing any poems about him!

    1. I can see it all now!
      That Perry was a crafty sort,
      And bad guys he would pull up short,
      He'd always win the fight, you see,
      He was a hero, then, to me!

  6. Excellent! He was a great hero, although i only saw the show in reruns.

  7. I remember watching Gunsmoke, it was one of my Dad's favourites, along with Rawhide and Rifleman, Bonanza and Rin-Tin-Tin.


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