Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Seventeen Seventeens

August 27th is National Just Because Day, celebrated by doing something without rhyme or reason.
Each participant has given another participant a number between 10 and 50.
Then we wrote something using the exact number of words given to us.
My number was 17. And given to me by my very helpful friend, Dawn of Spatulas on Parade.
I decided to write 17 stories using 17 words each.

Husby and Me
1. In case you hadn’t heard: in the beginning, there was man and woman. Woman won. Now you know.
2. Long before I met my Husby, I picked his picture out of a group. He’d no say.
3. Preparing to propose, Husby dropped the engagement ring. It rolled to the sewer. It was almost sewercide.
4. Daddy offered us $2000.00 and a ladder to elope. Ha! My room was on the ground floor.
5. I wanted a baseball team. We almost made it. We stopped just before reaching left field. Sigh.
6. Husby built me a home. From a chicken coop. Great till he called me an Old Hen.
7. Husby cleaned out the stove, parking the ‘dead’ ashes on the picnic table. Yeah. Almost a disaster.
8. Husby built museums all his life. 19 of them. Toured museums on vacations. Kids now hate them.
9. Husby loved long road trips. Several offspring suffered motion sickness. All time winners of the Up-chuck Olympics.
10. Vacation to Vancouver Island. We left the undercarriage of our trailer there. Probably not our best holiday.
11. Family on a single income. Still managed to ‘travel’ once a month (to restaurants for ‘adventure food’).
12. Went camping every year. Kids. Dogs. Canoes. Best times ever. Miss camping, but not the hard ground.
13. Opening of Husby’s new museum. Politicians yammering. Finally—his turn. His family gave him a standing ovation.
14. Theatre was our life. Raised our kids there. Remember saying, “Put your homework down! You're on stage!”
15. Once, on a holiday, I overturned a canoe. With Husby inside. He wasn’t happy. News at eleven.
16. Husby’s retired now. So glad I don’t have to see the back of his head every morning.
17. Husby uprooted this rancher’s daughter, replanting her in the city. Where he gave her a wonderful life.

Meet the other participants!
Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Counting Words, Just Because
Sarah Nolan: A Little Diddy
Dawn of Spatulas on Parade: Short Sweet And To The Point


  1. Wow,so much information in so few words. Many made me laugh, the last one really made me smile.

  2. Wow! Great information with only 17 words. Sounds like a marvelous life.

  3. What a wonderful summary of a happy life together, with surprisingly plentiful details tucked in there! Lovely :)

  4. Highlights. Spotlights. Challenging times. Blissful memories. Love. Laughter. Challenges. Fun. Truly delightful and evocative snippets in seventeen.

  5. Want to hear more about 17! :D

  6. What a fantastic story! Thanks for sharing.

  7. 17 stories make an autobiography, and 17 autobiographies make a life. Well done. Enjoyed reading your offering.

  8. Wonderful! If they do this kind of challenge again, i wouldn't mind trying my hand at it.

  9. I love this, 17 stories of 17 words each. Your life story, almost, in 289 words.


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