Thursday, August 29, 2019


YD. Not in a Time Out...

Shopping With Toddlers. A condition frequently and affectionately known by its acronym of SWT is a one-way ticket to adventure.
Via the crazy train.
And that’s just the beginning…
DIL (another popular acronym!) had spent much of her day shopping. Mother of soon-to-be-six, suffice it to say she had her hands—and her day—full.
Between finding the items she had ventured hesitantly from home to find, chasing down fugitives and side-tracking frequent requests/out-and-out-begging, she was on the downward slide toward exhaustion and distinct done-ness.
You’ve all been there.
Just turned two-year-old Youngest Daughter (hereinafter known as YD) was also past finished.
Hungry. Tired. Irritable. All were rolled up into one neat, efficient—explosive—little package.
After a loud bout of screech and flail on the floor of the department store, her mother asked, “Do you need a time out?”
YD looked up at her. “Yes, pease.”
“Fine. Go and sit on that chair.”
YD got to her feet and crossed over to the nearby chair, where she took up a perch.
Once settled, she looked at her mother and sighed. “Sanks,” she said.
If any of you reading this feel the need for some SWT, she’s available to rent ...
And yes, Gramma is babysitting in Banff this week.


  1. It's quite amazing that she realized she would feel better with a "sit". Our grand-niece used to take her blankie and go lie down when she was feeling tired - really! It always left me speechless, because my two were not like that at all!

    1. Wow! None of mine would do anything like that, either. Wretched children...

  2. A woman I worked with, tired of her child's tantrums while they were shopping, chucked one of her own. Seeing the early warning signs from her eight year old daughter, she beat her to it, and flung herself to the floor, kicking and shrieking. Her daughter (humiliated) begged her to get up - and a deal was struck.
    Not something I could have done, but it worked for that family.
    Hooray for a child who recognises the need for Time Out and is prepared to take it.

    1. Genius! Don't know if I could have done it, either. But what a solution!
      Yes. We're watching this little one closely to see what she comes up with next!

  3. Sometimes everyone needs to just sit and the world needs to leave us alone and let us do it.

  4. It's handy when kids know they need a time out. Next time she may just take herself to a chair and announce her time out all by herself.

    1. And her Mama can take a well-deserved rest...till she’s a teenager... ;)


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