Monday, August 5, 2019

The Rain, The Storms and Other Things

I like storms, you know I do,
Even when they’re scary, true!
But just as much, I like to joke,
So here’s a few for all you folks . . .

What’s a king's preferred deluge?
I’ll tell you: It is ‘Hail’!
While a queen’s fav-ou-rite would be ‘reign’.
She measures on a scale.

I knew it’d rain some money now,
They forecast weather ‘changes’,
A horse reins up or sleet rains down
Though both are on the ranges.

When it’s raining ducks and chicks,
You know the weather’s ‘fowl’!
A dangerous deluge is called?
‘Rain’ o’ terror. Grab a towel!

How’s Santa work in thunderstorms?
He has a ‘rain’deer team,
What’s a wet bear called, you know?
A ‘drizzly’ bear, it seems.

What’s worse than raining buckets? Well,
It’s ‘hailing taxis’. Yes.
And what do you call a month of rain?
Umm…England, I would guess.

Said one drop to his buddy:
Two’s comp’ny, three's a cloud,
Before it starts raining candy, well,
It ‘sprinkles’. Bet it’s loud.

What goes up when rain comes down?
A parasol. Oh, brother!
How do lightning bolts flirt—Ha!
They electro-cute each other.

In Seattle, two straight days of rain?
A weekend. (What a flop!)
One drop to the other? My plop’s
Bigger than your plop.

I’ll not inflict you further, friends,
(My grandkids thought these fun,)
Before I start some more

I think you all had better run!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So all of us together, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
Now go and see what they have done
I'm sure it will be lots of fun!
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?


  1. AIIIIEEEEE run away, run away!

    LOVE it!

  2. It is SO good to see you back here. Ready to take over the 'rains' of Poetry Monday? My ideas have slowed down to a 'trickle'.

    1. Ha! I saw what you did there!
      It is SO good to be here, D! I feel as though I'm newly emerged from a fog! And totally ready to start 'prompting' again.
      Hmmm . . . how about for next week, we do a childhood hero?

  3. Sent this right to a friend who loves puns and other word play. Reign indeed!

  4. I have great admiration for those who specialize in puns and word play especially since I can't do it myself. Excellent poem to re-enter Poetry Monday with!

    1. Oh, I've missed you! And I've missed this! So next week- a childhood hero!

    2. Sounds great! I've updated my post with this topic!

  5. I love your oh-so-punny poem :)
    It brought a huge smile to my face.

  6. Yahoo!!! What a fun and funny poem, i am glad to find your blog is active again. First i met Delores a while back, she introduced Jenny and writing poetry on Monday, and i joined it. It's nice to meet the founder of the feast and i hope to see you ever week.

    1. Thank you so much! And it's wonderful to meet you as well, Mimi!
      I'll be here!

  7. Congrats on your return from a smiling MotherOwl. Here it is raining, so I popped in to see if anybody had written any Monday peoms. I am deligthfully surprised.


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