Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Training My Lazy

That Mike, he was a quiet man,
A family benefactor.
He buoyed a large posterity
By sitting on a tractor.

One day, his wife, I’ll call her Jean,
Was working in the yard,
The day was warm, the sun was hot,
The task she’d set was hard.

Her Mike had finished for the day
Relaxing in his hammock,
When she called out to him, “Hon, please!
“I need someone dynamic!”

“I want some help here, if you could,
“This job is problematic.
“And while you’re up, please also check
“That roof leak in the attic.”

He looked at her and said, “Sweet Jean,
“I’d help with all that’s taxing,
“But I can’t do two things at once,
“And right now, I’m relaxing.”

She didn’t murder him right there,
I know you all were worried,
But from this tale, I gained a truth
For when life’s getting flurried.

When myriad tasks beset me,
And everything is crazy,
I simply can’t do two at once,
So I’m working on my lazy!

Each month we write upon a theme
Some folks think we're clever!
And we have such a lot of fun,
We'll do this thing forever! 

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Lazy Isn’t What It Once Was
Lydia of Cluttered Genius: Lazy no More
Dawn of Spatulas On Parade: Lazy


  1. Ah, such patience. I would have cut that hammock down!

  2. I would have shoved him out of the hammock and taken his place....freed him up to work so to speak.

  3. My laziness needs no work.
    I do admire his wife's patience. My partner's sister's husband cannot do anything for some hours after a meal because he is 'digesting'. I admire her patience too.

  4. So cute and definitely understand when the "lazzies" come over a person. (Ahem, never me, of course).

  5. I'm an expert at laziness. But I don't have a hammock because they make me dizzy. So...I sit here and blog!

  6. Next time i get to spend a day lounging around the house, i am going to say i am working on my lazy!

  7. I've been working on my lazy too. I'm getting really good at it :)

  8. Very true, very true. I like the idea of making lazy a priority! :)


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