Monday, September 30, 2019


It's all about BEAUTY, right?
“I’m shopping for my wife,” said he.
“For things she needs immediately.
And while I’m here, I thought I’d get
A special something for my Pet.”

 He wandered round the store a while,
And saw things staid. Or infantile.
Then found that he had ambled to
The women’s clothes all starched and new.

His eyes lit up as he assessed
New ways to help his wife get dressed.
In gowns of rough or slinky mein,
In shades from black to tangerine.

He wandered further through the store
Seeking something she’d adore,
High or low or bourgeoisie,
He fin-al-ly came o’er to me.

“It seemed so simple,” he declared.
“But now I’ve looked, and now I’m scared.
The clothes selection’s vast and mixed,
And I can’t seem to choose betwixt.”

“There’s something that she needed, though,
To wear around the bungalow.
So help me please, I do implore.
There must be something in your store!”

“There’s much to choose from, sir,” I said.
“That’s sure to please your thoroughbred.
But there's one thing I need to know,
Just how big is her bungalow?”

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts. Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have posted poems for you to see.
Please go. See what my friends have done.
I'm sure it will be lots of fun!
So now you've seen what we have brought.
Did we help?
Or did we not?


  1. Love your poetry! Have never tried it, but you're giving me inspiration.

  2. It's always fun to have someone shop for you even if they don't know what they're doing. LOL

  3. An excellent question. A purchase made for too big or too small a 'bungalow' often offends...

  4. My husband did that for our anniversary, and for a cruise we were going on. Mistake that cost him so big money later.

  5. LOL! I like to do my own bungalow shopping, thank you :)

    Next week's topic is PAPER ......

    1. Me, too. That way, I know my bungalow will be well and truly disguised! ;)

  6. Heeheehee! May i suggest he get her a gift card. Much safer.

    1. Perfect! Gift cards have revolutionized the bungalow world! :)

  7. Thanks for a warm, smiley story in great versification.

  8. Loved the shopping thoughts. I haven't been out of jeans and sweat shirts for years. I might just be due for a treat!

    1. I, too live in Jeans and T-shirts. They keep my bungalow nicely covered!


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