Wednesday, September 4, 2019

For The Beginner

Missing Daddy today.

Here is another of his favourite stories . . .

The rain poured down persistently,
For days he’d stared out wistfully.
A last, he stood with arms outspread,
“I’m bored,” he, to his mother, said.
She thought about it for a time,
(Impressed I say all this in rhyme?)
And then suggested to her son,
“If all your chores, indeed, are done,
The only thing I can suggest
For you, a hobby would be best.”
“A collection, maybe? Moths? Or stamps?
Now go – and to your room, encamp.”
The little boy gave it some thought,
Decided moths were what he sought.
Donned raingear, to the store betook,
To find himself a research book.
Then home amid the raindrops sped,
Threw coat, and landed on his bed.
He read for several hours there,
Then came to mom in clear despair.
“I’ve read that book from end to end,
But failure did the words portend.
For though I read so eagerly,
No single ‘moth’ word did I see!”
His mother frowned and asked to look,
Obediently, he fetched the book.
She turned it over, understood
Just why it did him little good.
‘Advice to the Beginning . . .’, true.
A wealth of facts from those who knew.
But the last word in the title there,
Had caused her fine, young son to err.
It stood out plain from all the others,
The last word there (you’ve guessed it) ‘Mothers’!
Advice to 
Beginning Mothers
You can see where he went wrong.


  1. Wishing for a laughing-hysterically emoji!

  2. I wonder whether the advice was any more helpful to mothers than it was to MOTHers.

  3. Aaaaaand ... I still didn't "get it" until I read Elephant's Child's comment!

    Funny and dear :)

    1. Heehee! I guess you had to hear my Dad tell it. He always put the emPHAsis on the right SyllABles...

  4. Heeheehee! Actually, people who do collect moths sometimes celebrate on Moth-er's Day, as they call it. Poor kid, i hope the store gave him his money back.

    1. Hmm...what would he say? I'm a mother, not a mother? Yep. It's all in the emPHAsis... ;)


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