Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My Criminal Past?

1.  I was four years old. Grocery shopping with Mom. I wanted an orange gumball. She said no. Thought I could fool her. I was wrong.
2. I was in grade three. Forged a needed note to go downtown to buy treats for Jody’s and my ‘Fair’. Yeah. The principal wasn’t amused.
3. My parents didn’t smoke. One of my friend’s cousins did. She had cigarettes. We decided to hide and try it. Moms can see through walls.
4. Dad told us not to ride the pigs. We all thought we could fool him by sheer sneakiness. Turns out Dads know everything. True story.
5. In grade eleven and stony broke. Window shopping with friends. Unbeknownst to me, one pocketed two pomegranates. We all got blamed. I’ll never forget it.
6. Mom had some expensive toenail clippers that lived on her dresser. I wondered if they could cut a straight pin. They couldn’t. I never confessed.
7. I absolutely loved my friend’s ‘elephant pants’. She even let me wear them on occasion. I know what you’re thinking. I didn’t steal them. Ha!
8. Dad told me getting paid but not working was theft. At times I’m pretty sure I was the only one in the office occupied. Sigh.
9. Do you think it’s stealing to come home weekly for food, fun and a fill of gasoline? My parents didn’t think so either. Thank goodness…
+1. I have decided I could never be a criminal mastermind. I have too much imagination. All I can visualize are the consequences. None very good. Yeah.

Word counters is a monthly word challenge, issued to us by our noble Karen of Baking in a Tornado.
Doesn't she have the best ideas?
My word count this month was 26 and given to me, via Karen, by Sarah Nolan.
Thank you, Sarah! This was such fun!
Wanna see what the others did with the challenge?


  1. I think the fear of getting caught keeps a lot of would-be criminals in check. I tried it a couple of times when I was 12. Got away with it except that I felt horrible. Then a friend of mine swiped some stuff and I got blamed. That cured all of us...

    1. What?! Details, Bro! Details!
      I definitely had that fear!
      Oh, man! I can still remember that woman looking at me and thinking I stole. And I really, really hadn't! I'll never forget it. I wondered forever after if she thought that of me every time I saw her. Yikes!

  2. The idea of having to explain it to my parents, among other things, kept me on the straight and narrow path. Excellent job with the prompt!

  3. Now there are some things I never would have thought you had in your past! Love how you're using these Word Counters posts to share these little tidbits.
    PS: I love your graphic!!

    1. Heh! Heh! Yep. There's a little bit of PAST in all of us, right?!

  4. You rascal! LOL I had a good healthy fear of my mother's reaction to any kind of bad behavior!

    1. I certainly didn't want to kindle my parents' disappointment. Yikes!

  5. I stole a pack of gum in first grade, my first and only heist. I realized even then I'm much too nervous to be a cool criminal.

  6. As a very small child (not yet reliably walking) my mother sat me on the counter while she talked to the shop owner. When she got home she discovered that my pockets were FILLED with the contents of the till. Oops.
    These days (and pretty much since then) I am on the straight and narrow path. Consequences scare me. Big time.

    1. Heehee! You little monkey! Yep. Imagining what could happen kept me straight as well!

  7. You were such a trouble maker!!! I would have had to ride the pigs too though! I couldn't have resisted. (Rena)

  8. I'm shocked! Not really, I think we have all taken something at one time or another in life.

    1. Sadly, yes! And I felt so guilty, I spit it out. It hadn't even been broken in yet.

  9. When I was about 4 or 5 I threw a rock and it put a crack in the window of our Pontiac Woody. I didn't confess until I was an adult.

  10. Replies
    1. Really wide legs. I think they're similar to harem pants now?

  11. I like your tales, and think we all have a past like this, at least it sounds just like me -- minus the pig riding part, we lived in a city. I remember taking a bite out of the car window. No, I did not cut my mouth, nobody ever found me out. And I only knowingly stole something once! The fear of being discovered ... But my children have filled pockets, held things in their hands, ect. Mostly I turned back and paid or handed back ... until I was scolded for holding up the queue. Now the children are too big for this.

    1. Ugh. The things I found in my children's pockets AFTER we got home. Sigh.


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